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Blaine Pokemons keep changing the nature of their attacks. The first time i went there i used a Sandslash tentacruel charizard etc. Blaine pokemon used always the same attacks, Bounce, extreme speed and Slash. Went there a second time they just started throwing random attacks. If i sent a rock/ground type they use a special attack, if i send a water/ghost/fire type the use a normal/fighting attack.


I mean, how the hell am i suppose to counter this?

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144454 Blaine Pokemons keep changing the nature of their attacks. The first time i went there i used a Sandslash tentacruel charizard etc. Blaine pokemon used always the same attacks, Bounce, extreme speed and Slash. Went there a second time they just started throwing random attacks. If i sent a rock/ground type they use a special attack, if i send a water/ghost/fire type the use a normal/fighting attack.


I mean, how the hell am i suppose to counter this?

That not bug, the first times is only by you so lucky for Blaine not using as second times. NPC will try to chose the move effective to against you. Using some water pokemon will help you pass it easily.

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