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I'd like to view my alt account's trade history.. just cause i want to check if there's any of my mon (Taelfan and Taelfun OT) that has been traded to other players :v 

IGN : Taelfun


Edited by Taelfan

spacer.pngDiscord : Taelfan

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10 hours ago, Maisa said:

Hi there @Taelfan


Before I let you know your trade log, is there any specific reason why you need to know, or rather, can you be more specific?


Looking forward to your reply.

I don't know if u can check the OT of a traded mon but as I use my alt account as a storage account and stored my mon there, I'm afraid that one of my friends that i gave access to took my mons?

spacer.pngDiscord : Taelfan

            Check out my EV service shop Here


Most of your trades are between your main account and your alt. Your most notable trades involve a Ralts, Jolly Heracross, Shiny Torchic, Wingull, Bagon, Jolly Aerodactyl to Belzebel, which all seem to have been borrowed. There was a Careful Snorlax traded to Smooge on June 28th, but that's all.


Can I help you with anything else?

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