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change email address/cambiar mi correo


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could u help me to change de email adress? my new email only remember my username and password.. 

podrian ayudarme con el correo porfavor mi correo  recuerdo solo mi usuario y contraseña.. le agradeceria mucho

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4 hours ago, Rallezll said:

could u help me to change de email adress? my new email only remember my username and password.. 

podrian ayudarme con el correo porfavor mi correo  recuerdo solo mi usuario y contraseña.. le agradeceria mucho


Hey @Rallezll,


please create a topic here, in our private sub-forum: 2fa email recover assistance
Read the instructions and add not only your new mail but also the username of the account where you want a new mail on.

Please do not share your personal data as your email in puplic places. I removed your mail from your post.


Knd regards~

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