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Trading ! !


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hey currently you need to be in the same place to trade in pokecenters .. i was wondering if you can make it that you can trade from diffrent pokecenters, i think that was possible in the handheld games, also it makes it easier for ppl to trade and it doesnt affect anything badly .... this would be so great if its in the game.


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I think that even trading in any pokecenter is enough by trading all over the server you over simplify it.

It would save time but i think it is good enough as it is.

I would rather see a auction house than this :)

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Definetly with imze. Over 90% of the suggestions i see are not even suggestions for the gameplay in general but more for the players to have an easier game.

for a game to be successful it has to be fun.. suggestions arent just for gameplay its to make the game better in anyway.

this suggestion doesnt make it easier for players.. it makes it less anoying. and i didnt suggest it coz its only my idea i heard a lot of ppl wanting it or complaining about it so i suggested it ....

I think that even trading in any pokecenter is enough by trading all over the server you over simplify it.

It would save time but i think it is good enough as it is.

I would rather see a auction house than this :)

yup an auction house is a good idea as well but from where u can access that auction house if it is from markets then its like the idea of pokecenter i could just put smth in the auction and the one i want to buy it will buy it fast... so why not being able to trade from diff poke centers too ?

as well as this game is following the anime also the handheld games, if u remember ash could trade his poks with prof oak from diffrent centers thats what im saying.


yeh but the auction house is a must as well i think its planned so ppl can auction there poks and items :)


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Auction house sounds like a amazing idea calms the spam down on chat channels makes selling in bulk easier no more hold on buddy ill trade with u give me 20 minutes to run the entire map to get to u for a trade


and as for making it to simple and easy i disagree its more likley to make people want to trade more cant speak for everyone but i for sure would not want to buy someones pokemon unless it was the ultimate beast if i had to clear half the map to get to the seller just my thoughts on it ofc not everyone is like me :P

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