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Lighter game, heavy ones are snob


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Listen i dont think good games should require a lot of resources, they might be lighter, a netbook without graphic indexed card cannot run game nicely, And apk takes years TO load, reloads from 0% if switch tasks from pro to whatsapp And back for example. This really has TO be fixed even for phones worse than mine which is average good.... This is an snobism... A lot of time loading im sure you can make it lighter

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145791 Listen i dont think good games should require a lot of resources, they might be lighter, a netbook without graphic indexed card cannot run game nicely, And apk takes years TO load, reloads from 0% if switch tasks from pro to whatsapp And back for example. This really has TO be fixed even for phones worse than mine which is average good.... This is an snobism... A lot of time loading im sure you can make it lighter

For the android loading time and the switching problem I agree with you.

From 2015: I'm still here

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Clearly you don't see just how much is required. The android port takes ages to load because it loads everything required into memory (~750MB worth of data). there are some shader effecte that require a gfx card, so a netbook simply isnt good enough. PRO was built for slightly more powerful hardware. my computer is from 2010 yet can run it at 600 fps.


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