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What unique clothes do membership let us access?


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145882 Hii :) uhh i wanna know what membership can allow us to access. Like clothes, hats and mounts.

No clothes and no mounts, despite what you see on the website. About hats: there are just a couple of fisherman hats. Nothing more.

From 2015: I'm still here

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145882 Hii :) uhh i wanna know what membership can allow us to access. Like clothes, hats and mounts.

No clothes and no mounts, despite what you see on the website. About hats: there are just a couple of fisherman hats. Nothing more.

where can you find those hats?

Fishemman house route 12 kanto.

Johto I am not sure but I do remember Olivine City.

From 2015: I'm still here

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Not to be a butt, but if some of the perks stated on the website do not exist yet, shouldn't the description be altered for now? Because that's basically false advertising and if someone gets annoyed about it, there is a possibility they would try to accuse PRO of fraud.

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146004 Not to be a butt, but if some of the perks stated on the website do not exist yet, shouldn't the description be altered for now? Because that's basically false advertising and if someone gets annoyed about it, there is a possibility they would try to accuse PRO of fraud.

I totally agree. I said that on October and the answer was the same ad Arnie's one above. The thing is 7 months have passed and nothing has ben added. Please change the description of the MS benefits or actually add something because I feel a bit frauded.

From 2015: I'm still here

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