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Please avoid tagging staff members to request support. For cases such as these, please use the report button to call for our intervention.


Nevertheless, I will be using GMT+0 onwards:






Auction Time: 72 hours after the thread was created!


Start Point: 26/7 8:16PM


End Point: 29/7 8:16PM


Winner: @Bk19122 with the starting bid - 300k







Auction Time: 72 hours after the thread was created!


Start Point: 26/7 8:16PM


End Point: 29/7 8:16PM


Winner: @Fercholarga with a 999k bid at 29/7 7:29PM


@kartikssg8 1.1m bid was made at 29/7 8:23PM (INVALID)







Auction Time: 72 hours after the thread was created!


Start Point: 26/7 8:16PM


End Point: 29/7 8:16PM


Winner: @Idkiru with a 500k bid made at 29/7 9:10AM







Auction Time: 72 hours after the thread was created!


Start Point: 26/7 8:16PM


End Point: 29/7 8:16PM


Winner: @Triata with a 400k bid made at 29/7 7:33PM



Please arrange the time to trade with the winners.


Kind Regards,


* Zoruami *

Edited by Zoruami



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First of all, enough with the random comments! Too much information to digest here! 


Second of all, @Chizune i dont know why you still running this auction when I clearly stated the winners in my post. If you refuse to trade with the winners, I will force them myself, but you will get a harsh punishment in result.


On 7/30/2023 at 12:59 AM, Chizune said:

Sorry? could u explain more? I don't get it? the eevee and houndour just got started? how they're all the same?


The only problem was the beldum due to ppl wants a last call bidding. 

The duration of your sales were 3days or 72 hours, since you didn't say if it was after start, it's assumed to be after the thread was created.


Therefore, I have stated: 72 hours after the thread was created!


As such, the winners are as I have stated! Please make sure to contact the winners, and finish the deals.




The only problem is the "beldum" who is not respecting here? It's MY POKE, IT IS MY RIGHT ON HOW TO AUCTION IT!!! I'M NOT BYPASSING ANYONE HERE, MY POINT IS NOT ALL AUCTION POKE HAS THE SAME PROBLEM..... 

The moment you set an auction, and someone's bid on it, the right on the pokemon is no longer yours. You set up the auction, but forgot to mention you wished to start once someone bidded on them. The rules are clear.


Also, I didnt end any auction, they had a time set, that time ran down, and as such I simply stated the rightful winner of the pokemons! 




I will delete everyone's comments, and will leave only the post that belong in this thread.




@Chizune I will leave this thread open only for you to post the evidence of every single trade! I expect you to do as such.


To every winner, in case the seller, doesnt reach out to you, or straight up refuses to honor the deal, DO NOT COMMENT HERE, simply press the report button. 


Again, I wish this to go smooth, Chizune, you might reach out to me if you wish to, I will happily explain the situation. Can be either via PMs or General Complains.


Kind Regards,


* Zoruami *

Edited by Zoruami
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