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  JustRoman said:
Btw you may want to do another guide for Johto, if you want I'll assist.

Yeah, thought of doing it aswell.... didn't try to EV in johto yet, gotta do some "research" on hotspots there. Help would be apreciated ofc mate.

  noki said:
where can i get Macho Brace ? held by pokemon or buy from npc ?

Johto region, Goldenrod City, by trading with an npc who gives a Machop helding Macho Brace (do not remember what pokémon we have to give him tho o.o).

  lordcobrakai said:
Hello! I'm Cobrakai, and i'm doing this topic to ai people with their EV training! I want to share with you a list of decent EV training hotspots (some of them better then others but it's what i found best until now), with a list of the Pokémons showing up in each hotspot, their approximate levels, EV gain from battling each of those Pokémon and the daytime where those Pokémon appear. The rarity of listed Pokémon is estimated. This guide will be updated as soon as i get more information on other decent hotspots.

These hotspots are ALL within the Kanto Region. I did not list any spot on any island or Johto Region because the majority of people are mostly sitting on Kanto.


Ways to Modify EV Gain:

As there are no Horde encounters, we are gonna struggle bit more than at 6th gen games (X & Y).

Pokérus also not available so, the struggle will be even bigger.

Macho Brace IS available and working, making EV training 2x faster - doubles EV gain but halves holder's speed.


HealthPoints (HP) EV training hotspots:


Viridian Forest


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Attack (Atk) EV training hotspots:


Attention: I DO NOT LIKE to train Atk EVs. Spots either vary a lot the encounter rates on Pokémon who yield Atk EVs or they lack Pokémon who yield 2 Atk EVs.

It is probably the one you will have more trouble dealing with, requires more patience. HIGHLY RECCOMEND USING MACHO BRACE.


Pokémon Tower (Lavender)


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Route 11


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Defense (Def) EV training hotspots:


Viridian Forest


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Speed (SPD) EV training hotspots:


Diglett Cave


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Special Attack (Sp.Atk) EV training hotspots:


Route 5


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Route 6


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Special Defense (Sp.Def) EV training hotspots:


Attention: To be honest, Sp. Def is so easy to train, u can find Tentacool almost everywhere (through rod or surfing, doesn't matter which method).

I'm just listing the locations where it seemed i found a high ammount of Tentacruel for a faster train (maybe i was just lucky finding many Tentacruel in these zones, maybe it's just my impression).


Route 19 & 20


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Hope this topic can help a lot of people.

Would also like to ask for PRO's community to help improving this topic, as i think every1 wants to train their Pokémons EV with an always higher and improving efficiency.



do you know where to get macho brace?

  Dede said:
For Atk. EV I tend to go on Route 12, common Bellsprouts (1) and Weepinbell (2). You get a few tangelas and pidgeys aswell but doesn't bother too much

Still no permission from forum admins to update one's own posts.... Would really like to put this info up there, would make people's live easier when regarding ATK EVs.

Thanks mate for sharing with the community.

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