Frost41 Posted April 23, 2016 Share Posted April 23, 2016 PRO Username: Frost41 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? Nothing at all. I've had this problem since the first time i opened PRO, around a month ago What have you already tried to solve the problem? That's not my choice, I have to log out and log in again if i want to stay at the same place .. ^^' Description and Message PRO Username: Frost41 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? :n: Nothing at all. I've had this problem since the first time i opened PRO, around a month ago What have you already tried to solve the problem? That's not my choice, I have to log out and log in again if i want to stay at the same place .. ^^' Description and Message Good morning / afternoon / evening, I'm a "new" - not that old i mean ^^' - PRO player, and i've had this same problem ever since i start using PRO. Being log out. I'm doing random stuff, it can happen at anytime, first, the chat and the other users, if there are, freeze on my screen, i can still move, look at my pokemon stats, open pokedex, trainer etc but i can't switch my pokemon anymore, see or answer to the chat or any PM and the worst, i can't interact with the game anymore, objects, rod, etc, starting a dialogue with an npc or a headbutt tree make me freeze as well . I have 2 options, first, i just fool around, moving, going anywhere and praying for everyone to return - actually, that never happened ^^' - so after 2 or 3 minutes i see myself forcely logged out with the message on the entrance " Can not connect to the server ", if i do that, when logging in again, i'm returned to the last pokecenter i've entered with my pokemon at full health and without having lost anything i've gained before the starting point of the problem - everything freezing - ; second option, i recognize the problem and log out then in again and i'm back to my position just before the problem started, i do this when i'm too far from a pokecenter so i don't really wanna do all the road again ^^' ( one time, i was gone from Lavender to Mt Moon without entering any pokecenter, then i got out of Mt Moon then the problem occure, i let myself get logged out and i'm p*ssed off when logging in again ^^' ) The main consequence of this, you have guessed right, in battles ... Whenever this starts when i'm in a battle, if i've not chosen my next action, i can choose one normally, i still have access to the item list, pokemon list, move list but when i choose one, now everything freeze and of course nothing happen, if i don't log out my self, in 3-4 minutes, i'll be logged out and go back to the last pokecenter - though without losing any data - . So, when i'm back, if i was facing a npc, 2 options. First : he's not a "boss" - Giovanni, Gym leaders ( and ONLY the leaders ), Jackson and so on - i can't challenge him anymore, he could have had 5 pokemon which would have given me many XP if beaten, money but nope, i will have to wait a week ^^'. Second : if he's a "boss" , i can challenge him again but i'm not gaining any XP for beating his pokemon - nope, any ._. - but i gain money "after" the battle - battle finished, window of the battle closed, a dialogue pops up and tell me i gained some money -. Notice: some npc that seem random enter the second category, i don't know why but some - it's a bit rare though - i can challenge them again but i won't get any xp nor money = Yep, useless. ._. (apart from assuring that next week i'll gain something ... unless the "bug" occures again. ^^' ) Memorable moments: - The first half of and hour of my PRO experience, going to Jackson and that happens, when back, he's gone, that was the only time that i couldn't challenge him again after that "bug" - Not gaining any XP from Brock's Onix since i've not had enough time to beat it before the "bug" occures. The same goes for the last pkmn of Lt. Surge, for Giovanni's two last pkmn the first time(celadon), and three last the second time(saffron) , for Erika's two last pkmn and for Janine's two last ( i've not done Saffron's gym yet, guess why ^^' ) - Not gaining the total amount of XP and any money from ANY BUT 4 passengers of the SS Ann - Nope, Jackson wasn't one of the 4 ._. - - Jackson, i've not gained any, ANY XP from his pokemon through our 3-4 fights BUT once, just once when i had the time to OS his first pokemon. But every time i meet Jackson, this "bug" starts at the very beggining of our fight, at soon as we draw our pokemon, the chat starts freezing. Great isn't it? - The bug occuring when i'm trying to catch 3 Clefairy - the only 3 i've met for now -, 2 Pineco - i've met 1 more since them but i didn't know he was the kind to selfdestruct at the right beginning ._. -, 2 Starly - thanks God i've captured another just after -, 4 Abra - yeah, that made me punch my walls ._. -, 1 Houndour - I've been searching Houndour for around 4-5 hours now, i've found 2, that one, and an other one who used Roar as soon as he woke up from my hypnosis, the action just after the named Hypnosis ._. Road 7, Night and Morning, within the same time, i've found more than 20 Persian, Vulpix and Growlithe, around 13 Murkrow but 2 Houndour and i haven't caught any of the 2, great. ^^' - . And i've not mentionned all the random npc i fight when it occures - believe me, it has happened a lot. - can you have a guess of how huge is the amount of XP i've lost like that? ( not to mention the money ) I'm sure, i've easily lost more than 300k of XP now ( with just Jackson and the boss pokemon i'm around half of this amount and with every of the random npc pkmn, i'm sure it widely does the count ^^' ). Lovely, isn't it? ^^' Three weird things i realized: - That "bug" happened when i was facing The Marowak of Lavender's Tower, i first thought i wouldn't even meet him again, but he was there, there was a second bug and he was there again, then i've finally beaten him and gained XP, that was the only time a thing like that happened, i don't know why - Actually when in a battle, if i keep an eye on the chat or on the other players and realized the first signs of the "bug" and then decided of my action, even if it still freeze and i'm still forced to log out, actually the action is taken into account and the data is saved, if i could have OS the only pokemon of an npc, even with the bug, if i'm fast enough, when i'm back in, i'll have more money and my pkmn will have gained XP. I've not been on a situation like capturing a pokemon when the "bug" occures to see if I capture it even while freezing :x Though it works also outside of a fight, close to an item, want to take it just when the bug starts, so i'm freezing in front of the item, i log out then in, the item isn't there anymore but in my bag - remembering the nomber of items i could have lost like that, Thanks God XD - - Sometimes it's like the "bug" just wanna get me scared xD ; the chat and the players on my screen freeze BUT the players don't disappear in less than 8-12 seconds, when that happens, in around 8 seconds more, all will work again, numerous msg will quickly appear in the chat, the players will have teleported and i'm not be back to my position when the "bug" started, i can move freely and even if i willingly get myself freezed, talking to a npc for example, i'll be working again in around 10 seconds and again, i don't know why actually ^^' The frequency of this "bug" is totally random - or i haven't found the logic behind it yet -. I can't happen every 40 mins like every 3 mins, the normal rate is around once in 15 mins, it doesn't depend on the numbers of person on the server nor the poketime or the real time. But having to go through a queue of 700-800 people, finally logging in and being forced to log out in the next 5 mins and thus having to start the queue something with an higher number is well ... kind of .. frustrating sometimes ^^' . I tried reinstalling the game, all my drivers are updated, but when thinking about it, i don't have the feeling that the problem actually comes from my pc :/ for my connection, I use optic fiber and even though i'm not really a big FPS game player, friends of mine sometimes use my connection to play LoL, minecraft and so on, and for them, it works totally fine ._. When I started, i didn't really have any interest in this game so i wasn't really bothering myself about it and i was knowing it was just a BETA version so .. But now that i've got some interest into this game, it is kind of awful to endure this every day So I'm wondering if it's a "normal" problem due to the BETA status of the game or if it's really a problem and if it's something, anything, i can do about it. ^^ Thank you for having read all this, i'm sorry , i talk too much x) :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windypuff Posted April 23, 2016 Share Posted April 23, 2016 147272 PRO Username: Frost41 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? Nothing at all. I've had this problem since the first time i opened PRO, around a month ago What have you already tried to solve the problem? That's not my choice, I have to log out and log in again if i want to stay at the same place .. ^^' Description and Message PRO Username: Frost41 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? :n: Nothing at all. I've had this problem since the first time i opened PRO, around a month ago What have you already tried to solve the problem? That's not my choice, I have to log out and log in again if i want to stay at the same place .. ^^' Description and Message Good morning / afternoon / evening, Hi, the crash is random and cannot predictable. However, can you give me your OS? Have you tried this: and this: Please take the time to read the following thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frost41 Posted April 23, 2016 Author Share Posted April 23, 2016 Hello, First of all, thank you for such fast answers, you're awesome, i mean it ^^ Then, I run on Windows 8.1 , 64 bits, 4G RAM, 1600 MHz ( yeah, not awesome ^^' ) I had already found those 3 topics, but is my case really a "rollback" ? I thought no so I read the post to know more about possible troubles that could occure and how to react, but that's pretty much all x) And for the others, one of them was a dealing with a real "crash" on windows10 so still not my case x) But I've tried some of the things explained in the second crash dealing topic - Drivers update - actually they were already - I was already on compatibility mode too ^^' - Cash cleaned - as a whistle actually xD - Fire wall exceptions and Direct X files, ok ! But i've not tried the last method yet, i'll test it and tell here if it helps or not, in case it could help some other persons :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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