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Holydoof (Silver Server) - Recruitments are Open for now!


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Ign : Shadowteaser

18 yrs


80 hrs

I like Pvp and collecting all type of pvpable mons(no hunting tho) 

I do provide story service feel free to check it in service shops 

I can provide 150-200 ratings, already have pvp teams just training left will be completed in two days.. 

My discord - demonarises


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● What's your IGN? Sayanesh

● How old are you? 23

● Where are you from? India 
● What's your total playtime? 1368 Hr
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? Hunting, Side Quests, Dungeons and PVP
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? I would like to join in a 4-5 member Dungeon run party & I can provide EV training Services as well


And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?

I like Endoof the most, it has those glittery charming eyes 0^0


Looking forward for your reply and being a part of the Holydoof family ❤️

















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Hi everybody my nickname and ign is Tren .im 27 years old and from Hungary (noo noo im not Hungry) my playtime is 1694hour and this time i like collect pokemons and do bosses and do storys . I can offer my lend service like boss or pvp mons ,i can do story service too if u need . And my best service is a friend service haha if u boring just write me i can talk mutch soo if u want talk with someone dont be a shy ^^

blue Bidoof my best!!


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Hey hey my IGN is SwagCity I'm 21 about to be 22 and come from italy close to reach the 1.5k hrs soon and what I enjoy the most is login and chill with my favorite music

About the service

I might be able soon to offer ev service and exp service but still working on it

U can't make me pick a favorite bidoof form I can't betray them that's why I got 8 of them

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● What's your IGN? Subz3rq

● How old are you? 23

● Where are you from? India 
● What's your total playtime? 868Hr
● What do you enjoy doing in the game?  Side Quests, Dungeons, PVE and PVP
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? I would like to make new friends and clear Dungeon in a party.

● Discord? subz3rq


And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?

Endoof is the best, it's color creates a rare attraction.😊 


Thanks, hoping to join and expecting a response soon!




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● What's your IGN? Evilgod98

● How old are you? 24

● Where are you from? India 
● What's your total playtime? 888 Hr
● What do you enjoy doing in the game?  Hunting, Dungeons, PVE and PVP
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? I can lend boss team for PVE and clear Dungeon in a party.

● Discord? .exe1930


And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?

Like both Endoof & Suidoof. 😇 





Thanks, hoping to join the guild soon!

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On 8/23/2023 at 11:20 AM, Sale01 said:


Please, provide a screenshot of your trainer card.

● What's your IGN? Guccitrunkz 
● How old are you? 20

● Where are you from? Canada 
● What's your total playtime? 500ish
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? Probably hunting and sweeping bosses
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? Right now I'm starting to get back on the game, so I'll start with this before doing services 😅

And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
- Endoof 

image.png image.png image.png




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What's your IGN? guccitrunkz 

● How old are you? 20


● Where are you from? Canada 

● What's your total playtime? 500

● What do you enjoy doing in the game? PvE and hunting

● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? Just getting back on the game so maybe dex services for now ?


And the most important question of them all:

Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?

-Suidoof, Endoof or Raidoof?  Endoof just looks better than the 2 others

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