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1. A full team of lvl 100 pokemon.

2. Completion of the Kanto Elite 4 league

3. Registration prior to the 28th of april.

4. 50k Participation Fee(To Be Payed at the date of The Tourney)[/glow]


[glow=yellow]How to Register:

Step 1 : Take screenshots of your trainer Page( which contains your hours, wins and losses)

Step 2: Direct message it to me or post it here.

Step 3: Wait to be notified by Me personally.[/glow]



1. Participants are allowed to use sleep on their opponent a maximum of 2 times within per battle.

2. Participants are not allowed to use the same Pokemon more than once during each round. (eg. a team cannot contain 2 or more charizards)

3. Use of Focus items is not allowed at the current phase since they are not fully implemented yet.

4.Use of 1 Hit KO moves is not allowed and will lead to instant disqualifications on attempt.[/glow]



[glow=blue]Tournament Format:

Participants will face off using a team of 6 Pokemon, the winner will be decided by knockout. First person to knock out the opponents team 2 times wins. The winning participant will then move on to the next round until 1 winner will eventually remain.[/glow]



1. Anyone found breaking any of the above restrictions will be immediately disqualified.

2. Players who are found to show poor sportsmanship or abusing their opponents will also be disqualified.

3. If you are disconnected this counts as a loss unless its a server sided issue experienced by a majority of participants.

4. If you fail to show up on the 1st of may, it will count as forfeit and thus you will be eliminated.[/glow]


Meanwhile here's a little something to motivate you.

To be or not be that is the question





ShadowRanger|Silverpokelogoprofile.jpg Server|PseudoCode

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Currently the " Pokemon Master" Tournament Participants are.


1. Snowbull

2. Ivan97728

3. Deadpool

4. Necro287

5. Fagiolino

6. DexterMorgan

7. Aarathen

8. McR1P

9. Sceo








Looking forward to seeing further participation from you all :y:

To be or not be that is the question





ShadowRanger|Silverpokelogoprofile.jpg Server|PseudoCode

Thank you all for your participation we currently have 10 participants so far and I am hoping for more and more.

Goodluck to you all and may the best trainer win :y:

To be or not be that is the question





ShadowRanger|Silverpokelogoprofile.jpg Server|PseudoCode

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