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Guest Oliverx93

Preferred In-Game Name (for those with multiple accounts): LightDawnx

Total In-Game Hours (again, for those with multiple accounts): 62 hours 24 min , but i have already beat last boss now getting ready for competitive.

Previous Pokemon Experience: Well, i got my first gameboy colour and pokemon yellow at age 7 , and now i'm 21 years old this year 22 so u can imagine : ()

Why this guild and not any of the others?: I am actually trying to join many guilds, because i would loove to be in guild. But whoever invites me first. I will take the opportunity. :)

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Preferred In-Game Name (for those with multiple accounts): LightDawnx

Total In-Game Hours (again, for those with multiple accounts): 62 hours 24 min , but i have already beat last boss now getting ready for competitive.

Previous Pokemon Experience: Well, i got my first gameboy colour and pokemon yellow at age 7 , and now i'm 21 years old this year 22 so u can imagine : ()

Why this guild and not any of the others?: I am actually trying to join many guilds, because i would loove to be in guild. But whoever invites me first. I will take the opportunity. :)

join the teamspeak and swing by our channel

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