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I am on gold server i have almost 10k hours and because i love and respect so much pokemon revolution online i wanna report my dashbord is bugged and i can transfer for free silver to gold server any moderator of can check this. I mean i can transfer any time not 1 time per month @Manbat

Edited by Justbillionare
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Hey there @Justbillionare


Thanks for taking the time to report this bug. Before going further and forwarding this issue to the relevant party, I just want to confirm a few things.


Is it possible that you misunderstood how server transfers work? To give a quick explanation, every user has a free server transfer. Once used, the free server transfer has a 1 month cooldown. During this 1 month cooldown, you may pay in order to transfer again.

Is it bugged to where you can server transfer any number of times for free?


Looking forward to your reply.



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That's good to know. This is actually not bugged, but is intended. You were top 25 last season, 6th place, so server transfers are free for the entire month, with a cooldown of 1 hour, as stated here: 




I hope that helped you out. Please let me know if I can assist you any further or if you have any other questions.


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