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Lost money during a trade


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Hello everyone,


I recently made a trade with another player named Norex (They can confirm that as well). The deal was 4.2m pokedollars for 700 rare candies, so we proceeded to the trade and completed it. At that point I did not know that it is not possible to exceed 999 pieces of an item (Which I confirmed later with one of my friends using oran berries to check if they were gonna lose 1 oran berry too when i had 999 before the trade, which they did), so when i accepted the trade i had about 500-550 rare candies already. The result was to waste about 200-250 rare candies.

Is there a way to fix the 999 pieces limit, or display a warning when somebody is going to exceed the limit of 999 pieces of an item, and also is there a way to refund the money that i lost?

It should be around 1.2m to 1.5m pokedollars.


This could help tons of people to avoid coming into my position with just a small warning message before completing a trade.


Thank you in advance for your time!

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