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  • Zairosspro changed the title to HLW Swinub Jolly 31 spd
  • Zairosspro changed the title to Halloween Swinub Jolly 31 spd



@Arcemolious You have been punished for False Offering/Bidding.


@Zairosspro Please try to reach out the runner up to see if he is still interested.


On 2/13/2019 at 10:19 PM, Ehkoe said:

4. Auction winners must be publicly announced.

- Forum: A reply on the auction thread must be made with a screenshot of the completed trade window.

 In the event that the auctioned Pokemon/Item is traded to the wrong player, the trade will be forcefully reversed and traded to the rightful winner.

 In the event that the winning bid is a false offer, the bid will be made void, and the auction win will be offered to the runner-up. Runner-ups are not obligated to honour their bid in these cases. Where no runner-up is available, the auction will be made null and void.


Kind Regards,


* Zoruami *

  • Checked/Done 1



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