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Good evening dear trainers and staff members =),


the past few days I had a new idea about an event for the PRO community. Something, that has nothing to do with a tournament or an hunting event. It is to be honest a pretty simple idea...a Poke-Lottery!


How it works?


I thought about posting a Pokémon in the forum (maybe under general off-topic section) every sunday where the IVs and the ability are blackened. Now maybe some of you already know what comes next =P. Like in the normal lottery you have to give tips about what IVs / ability this Pokémon could have and if you have more than 3 IVs correct or 2 IVs + Ability you'll earn a little price. I'll post the solution every saturday in the evening.


The price will be higher the more you guessed right (I'll announce the different prices up to the jackpot you are able to win every week). But as you all know things in PRO aren't that cheap and I am not a millionaire ^^ . That's why I thought about buying "tickets" like real lottery...so you have to write me ingame or via pm which tip you wanna make and give me the pokedollars ingame (the price for ONE ticket would be 2k and there will be a maximum of having 10 tickets pro player).


I'll make an excel list so I'll know how many tickets you bought :devil: !


One more thing to say:

I am totally NOT interested in becoming a millionaire by this event. That's why I am going to invest the whole pokedollars I get by selling the "tickets" into the prices you can win!


Furthermore for your security I would suggest to for example give the staff members access to my Google docs excel list, to send them SS from EVERY trade I made regarding to this lottery (but I think your message box could explode ^^) or anything other I am able to do to ensure you that the LAST thing I want is to cheat you :Exclam:


I just had this nice little idea and the will to do this event to make you guys just having a bit more fun and maybe a thrill when you sit there saturday evening waiting me for posting the complete SS of the Pokémon =D.


Last but not least a little example:




Please feel free to ask me whatever you want to know and leave some criticism / comments / and so on.


Kind regards


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