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Auction halloween Riolu and Halloween Absol (not bundle)

C.o. riolu 2.2m

min bid: 200k

Auction ends sunday, 26th 23:37 gmt+1 / 11:37pm gmt+1




c.o. absol 1m

min bid 100k

absol ends on wednesday, 29th november 18:03 gmt+1 / 6.03pm gmt +1




no insta

only pokedollar

Auction ends 72 hours after first bid

remember on 15 minutes rule: you have to bid 15 minutes before auction ends or 15 minutes will be added from last bid until nobody bids more. if someone bids more, 15 minutes will be added again and so on


you can contact me on dc: MarcoT11#0390

main ingame: marcot11

alt ingame: marco2004


i am doing this auction for ´´HamBii´´, so all pokemon (yeah, the plural is pokemon, not pokemons) are on his account.

he is currently on gold server, but he also will change, if necessary

Edited by Marco2004
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