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Some Suggestions and Improvements i would like in PRO


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Hey guys, so i roughly completed about 100 hrs in PRO, though that is nothing, i have completed both regions and experienced enough of the game to start dropping improvements and suggestions of mine that i would love to see getting implemented.

Since hoenn is nearing release and staff can focus on other areas after it, it seems fit to drop this in.

So, without further ado, lets get into it :




1) In-game pvp assistance - Seen many people ask about the intricate pvp stuff in chat and not get satisfied, so maybe some in-game npc's or board signs regarding details about speed creep, iv, ev etc can be very helpful.


2) PVP Clauses - I think some shifts and improvements and a focus towards the ladder/pvp content needs to be done as the ladder really needs some efficient and useful clauses such as species and sleep clause being the primary ones.


3) Tier based PVP : This might be taking things too far but i would really love tier based ladder to come into play and this would increase diversity and make players self sufficient and expert in their wanted tiers and pokemons.


4) Linear Trading - By this i mean removing the way of trading tm's and items by equipping them on pokemon which exists now, a new system by which we can drag and directly put the tm or items into the confirmation window will be appreciated although this isn't primary concern in any way.


5) Wild Pokemon Level Slight Increase : Me and a couple of my friends while playing this game towards the mid-game where the difficulty curve suddenly jumps felt that training in-wild became nearly redundant since you either have to go far back to heal, or move to a distant location and pokemon giving less exp, so maybe a slight level increase in pokes or adding vanilla pokes (miltank etc) in more routes can help level up more easily.


6) More role of hm's in-game : Basically i would like to see some more hm based activity in game, rock smash playing more part and giving items occasionally, strength puzzles offering some unique rewards just to add more activities to do because sometimes only grinding and farming can be really tiring mentally.


Suggestions :


1) A PVP Mart destination : Basically a building or store which has some good/hard requirements to unlock situated in a particular region which sells the orbs (life, toxic etc) and choice items along with items of pvp importance such as air balloon, sash etc. With slightly higher prices this can not only give a way to a better and stronger pvp environment but also create another form of money drain since these items are pivotal to pvp.


2) Rare Poke Collector : These will be npc's situated in the most central and important city of a region which will give you requests/orders for extremely rare pokes with 20+ iv's in stats etc and you catch and sell it to them for either precious items such as nuggets/star pieces, unique items or for pokedollars. This will make additional money out of some good pokes that players have stored and a good way to grind for money and items .


3) More legendary encounters : No!, this is not that bad argument for making more legends catch-able but this is basically a suggestion to implement more legendary encounters/battles in game (like moltres etc) because battling or encountering something that you can't catch makes them worthy of being a legendary and make them spawn randomly in routes to keep the surprise factor. It would be awesome to rush through a random route someday only to see a giratina around the bush :D


So, these are the suggestions i came up with recently, my friend is also working on a fakemon fire-red hack so crazy ideas are filling me up :p. Criticism is welcome and if any of the above ideas seemed very bizarre or offensive i apologize in advance.

Have a great day :)

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151929 2) Rare Poke Collector : These will be npc's situated in the most central and important city of a region which will give you requests/orders for extremely rare pokes with 20+ iv's in stats etc and you catch and sell it to them for either precious items such as nuggets/star pieces, unique items or for pokedollars. This will make additional money out of some good pokes that players have stored and a good way to grind for money and items .

Good idea, it would be a great quest for those who love hunting ! :Heart-eyes:










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some of these suggestions are already in the works (PvP shop mainly).


the legendary idea will never happen. simply because we are already working on adding some legends to the game. some require areas that arent even mapped, so adding them into routes as huntable wont happen either. basically means they will be farmable, which wont be possible, at all.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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For points 1&2 I don't really have much to say about them think they seem like pretty good ideas. Albeit if you do plan to pvp you should do research outside of the game anyway, simply because they can't put every detail about every usable/unusable pokemon in the game. Even generalizing would be hard considering the in-game meta is different that standard meta due to lack of moves, pokemon, and certain items. it would be best just to test stuff out and ask the pvper's for strats.


As for #3 I think they're working on that we may see it eventually.


#4 would be great a friend of mine almost gave away one of his good pokemon cause he wasn't paying attention in a trade one time would make it easier but i'm sure it's been suggested hundreds of times before.


#5 I personally like that part of the game, grinding is part of what makes mmo's, mmos. Plus as you get further on into the game you'll find getting new mon from level 10-100 will become considerably easy.


#6 I feel the same i'd like if rock smash gave something besides a path clearer it'd be more useful to have the pickaxe/a rocksmash mon. Otherwise it's just feels like a waste move slot. I'd also love the addition of strength puzzles, used to love those. Though I can see it'd probably be difficult to put in at the current time.



For the next part,

#1 I'd like to see that, though i'm guessing that's what battle tower in sevii's is going to be in a sense. Can't tell for sure though.


#2 That's sorta what the task master in celadon does in a sense but i can see where you're going with this. Can work though many people would rather keep rare mon and sell dex info over trading over to npcs I would think.


#3 Well part of the legendaries being legendary is that they are meant to be essentially mythical deities os sorts. Having extra encounters with them would be sort of off-putting, not to mention would sorta ruin the system they have set so player would need to move around and do bosses battle etc. to complete dex for certain missions. Even if you were to make it so they only spawn the ones they've seen it would be a little odd to say the least. Not to mention i'd rather not encounter a level 80-120 legendary (as leveling the mon down to the be in the level range of the area would be sorta odd) while leveling a new pokemon in mt silver/cerualean cave cause of that type of random encounter that would be beyond frustrating.


Some pretty good ideas need a few tweaks but aren't too bad :y:





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Pokemon at 100: 333 - Pokedex: 669

WishList: Shiny Zubat/Golbat Calm --- Epic HA Jolly Squirtle

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PvP Island/Faction pvp quest.


As team rocket (or as opposite, police, if you will), you can accept a quest to go and steal someone's % of money, while opposite faction will receive quest to chase down rocket members who already completed their quest.


Other poke mmo had this faction feature and it was pretty interesting, you did not get to fight the other player live, you fought a IA with his pokemons.


Also A pvp island with non refusable battles along with wild high level pokemons/rares to fight for.

Visit Atlow's Shop ! >>>>> https://bit.ly/kadabras

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