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Legit, wtf is wrong with Johto. It´s so so so hard to grind. Going to my third gym. Highest level pokemon? 14... LOL i´m winning 400 xp when i need 22000 to level up... In Kanto it was relatively easy to grind. Is this supposed to make the game harder? Cause it really doesn´t, it only makes it boring.


Another thing is the variety of Pokemons... it´s so low. 80% of the time is rattata, zubat,geodude,Hoothoot except Ilex forest at least

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johto is kind of hard to lv in im stuck n the 4th gym my self trying to lv up some suckerpunch pokemon because this gym leaders pokemon 2 shot my lv 40 starter.i only used it to this point and highest wild pokemon seem to be around 16 so i thinkill be stuck here a wile lol do wish there were at least some 25+ pokemon here but we just have to train and keep pushing or wait till trainer resets for good exp.


I'm personally enjoying Johto story, leveling up my pokemon is never be a problem eventhou need more time to get high level.

If you want to beat it by your own, try to use exp booster. Rods have a decent varieties of wild pokemon and level as well. There's a chance if you grind long enough to level up, you'll meet a rare or even a shiny pokemon, that's a quite advantage. If you still feel bored, no worries, you can buy high level Johto pokemon from someone to easily beat the story, no need to get decent nature and iv pokemon with super high price, any nature and iv of high level pokemon will do. Or, if you have friends already beated Johto, just ask them to lend you one or two sweepers. Good luck :Crazy:



152258 Legit, [Censored] is wrong with Johto. It´s so so so hard to grind. Going to my third gym. Highest level pokemon? 14... LOL i´m winning 400 xp when i need 22000 to level up... In Kanto it was relatively easy to grind. Is this supposed to make the game harder? Cause it really doesn´t, it only makes it boring.


Another thing is the variety of Pokemons... it´s so low. 80% of the time is rattata, zubat,geodude,Hoothoot except Ilex forest at least

I know your pain, Johto is lack of level pokemon for farm than Kanto. And so many common pokemon swamp everywhere, especailly ratta xD

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