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(END BID) lampent (timid) 21+


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  • Incandescent changed the title to lampent (timid) 21+

Greetings @Nm2j

It is not clear how you want to sell your Lampent. "Min 250k" is part of an auction's terminology, but your post is far from being a valid auction as there is no Start Price / Start Point and no End Point. 

If you want to sell your Pokemon for a fixed price, just write "250k". In case you want to host an auction, you must use the proper terminology. Start Price / Start Point and End Point are mandatory, not setting them will result in this thread's termination. Alternative Payments, Minimum Raises and Insta Prices are optional, but if you decide to add them keep in mind that parameters can no longer be adjusted once an auction starts. 

Another option is using this thread to receive offers which you can accept or deny. I highly advise you to check General Trade Rules & Auction Rules to ensure you understand our rules. 


7. Starting price/point must be clearly stated. Once met, the auction has started.

- Forum:

› As of start point, this may be one of the following 2 options: a specified time (e.g. "day/month/year hour:minute a.m./p.m. & Timezone"), or instantly as of the trade post (e.g. "as of thread creation").

› As of start price, specified by the seller.
8. End point must be clearly stated before the auction has started. This cannot be changed once the auction has begun.

11. Insta Prices, Minimum Raises and Accepted Payments are optional, however, if set, must be announced in public, and cannot be changed, negotiated or added once:

- In-game: The auction has been announced.

- Forum: The auction has started.

I have also removed a part from your thread's title as it was a bit confusing. 

Kind regards

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