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  On 1/9/2024 at 1:42 PM, Asppirhyne said:

Hello, i keep trying to fish with the rods but neither one can get a pokemon.


i finished jotho already but i still never found a wild pokemon while fishing.


Do i have just bad luck or it's a real bug around here ?




Greetings @Asppirhyne


For the fishing method first you have to get a Fishing Rod like the Old Rod that can be obtained from Fishing Guru in a house in Vermilion City. Note that this rod can only help you encounter a few specific Pokemon with a fishing spawn in the map.


To fish you need to drag your fishing rod from the bag to the bottom left hotkey toolbar and click on it while adjacent to water. Note the fact that there is a 4 second cooldown between each fishing attempt which makes fishing a tedious and a slower method of hunting in water than Surf, and thus it is not a suggested one either, as @Niuniu also pointed out, which I appreciate and thank them for.


Some things you need to check before you start fishing on a map are:

  • All maps do not have a fishing spawn. You can check if a map has a fishing spawn from in-game by clicking on the side menu on the top right, where if you see a fishing icon on the pokemon, it has a fishing spawn. Much like the one in the spoiler below.
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  • Some spawns need other fishing rods to get access to them. For example, Super Rod helps encounter pokemon like Mantine in the map which Old or Good Rods cannot.

You can check the type of spawns a map has in our Official Discord Server(click to join) with the ^s pokename/mapname command in bot-commands channel, checking the Area column of it which can be either of Land, Surf or Fish, if it shows Fish, there is a Fishing spawn in the map.


For info on the Fishing hunting method you can check our Wiki Page(click to check) on the same. Thus, there is no bug in the fishing spawns.


I hope this helps. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions regarding this.


Have a great day and a Happy New Year,


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