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Auction question


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So at the moment I have 2 auctions(1 form auction, 1 regular) which have both ENDED but i'm waiting for buyers to get on. In one case its been almost 40 hours. My question is, Can I start a new auction, seeing technically the previous ones are concluded, just waiting for responses. I did read auction rules and didn't see much about it.


Thanks in advance!

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Greetings, @Xxxrosxxx

Each player may have 1 active thread per sub-forum. For example if an auction timer has ended or a specific price point has been met and all it's left is trading it, and you have tried to contact the winner, you CAN start a new thread on the same subforum, since this previous auction is no longer ''active''. 


I would request you to change the title as a courtesy to people browsing the forums and for Trade Mods to something along the lines of: ''Auction Ended, awaits trade, pending transaction'' or something similar to avoid any confusion. 


We only allow 1 thread to be active to avoid mass spam, in the scenarios i have mentioned above this would conclude a thread as no longer an active one, as it has ended. 


Hope this has made things clear for you, if you have any further questions let me know. If not i will lock this thread.


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