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Some spanish speakers need help aswell



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PRO Username: Esiden

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No

On which server issue happened: RED


What have you done before the problem was there?



What have you already tried to solve the problem?



Description and Message

Im a born and raised american with Hispanic parents, so i am fairly fluent in the spanish language. I was in the Live chat today because Red Server was down for a bit, and i noticed a couple of your spanish speaking CUSTOMERS asking some questions and since nobody was answering them i took it upon myself to help them out. That's when i noticed all spanish speakers were getting kicked, including myself for wanting to help them. Im just curious to know if you guys are aware of this. I appreciate your time, and if there's anything do to help just let me know. If helping is gonna get me constantly kicked i would also like to know, so that i know to stop.

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They aren't aware they just say only english in all chat expecting them to know what it means, its an only english friendly game from what i see, im a spanish/english speaking player and i see this all the time

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one of the rules to play is that in all chat and any of the chats provided by the server you must speak in english. the one exception to this rule is other chat in which multiple different races/ethnicities are all allowed to speak in their native tongues and dialects. the reason why it is english friendly and seems to only be english friendly is because, unless there is anyone that is an exception to this rule on staff, everyone on staff only speaks english. you can copy paste things to translate from your side what you wish to have said in english and say for the person that is answering to answer in pm that way you can take their message and translate it into your own language, or maybe the person that responds will know your language and can answer to you in your language.




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153276 Im a born and raised american with Hispanic parents, so i am fairly fluent in the spanish language. I was in the Live chat today because Red Server was down for a bit, and i noticed a couple of your spanish speaking CUSTOMERS asking some questions and since nobody was answering them i took it upon myself to help them out. That's when i noticed all spanish speakers were getting kicked, including myself for wanting to help them. Im just curious to know if you guys are aware of this. I appreciate your time, and if there's anything do to help just let me know. If helping is gonna get me constantly kicked i would also like to know, so that i know to stop.


Hello, it might be harsh handled from a player position. How ever the person in charge had to make sure people follow the rules, often am i there as well and i make sure people read the rules after being warned. But i do hope this will help you and many other players to find the rules of our live support chat room.




Language Usage

1. Use English only.


That is the central language of this project and (expectably) its community. We acknowledge that many non-native English-speakers are bound to join this chat; however, while we would like to accommodate for them, we can not guarantee multilingual communicators will be serviceable, and thus attempted interlingual communication can easily be blurred. You are advised to use translation for translingual communication, to speak English to the best of your knowledge, or to use a PMs if you prefer to speak in non-English languages with other users in particular.[/quote2]


if you need help please click on the icons to go to the appropriate help site/chat

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