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Rethink some of the current chosen staff & apprentices.


Not that it'll happen. But some of them are very unprofessional.


Not to mention above the childish comments and slurs towards the community the ones that have manners also most times point out things that aren't mistakes and don't point out things that actually are mistakes. Only my few cents its your game do whatever.

Only the inferior talk down on others regardless of their privileges or positions.

Inferior to their community with their heads in the clouds unwilling to evolve.

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They are apprentice for a reason, if they mature while they learn they become full-fledged apprentice or else we reject them,


I don't think any of our staff are unprofessional, might wanna tell what did they do?

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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Considering your current vendetta against our mapping staff (which btw i saw your showcase and it was less than stellar itself), i can see y some of them would get tetchy due to them putting 1000s ofhours of their own time into a project that we all want to see succeed.


Therefore i would suggest that if you think you are 'all that' (and maybe you have worked on other games as a mapper, but you are currently here so they must have done something else wrong) you make suggestions about how to improve things, and actually give mappers something to work with.


Not the usual BS that i hear from some salty players like 'you suck', or 'this game sucks because we dont have XYZ'.


Constructive criticism is always welcome but any more of this personal attacking and i will remove your access.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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