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Auctioning each Eevee separately.


For all:

Starting offer :50k

Min bid: 50k


Insta Bold h.a: 400k

Insta Impish: 1m

Insta Modest h.a: 800k


Ends 24h after auction start or when insta is met.




Bold h.a








Modest h.a

Edited by Masternaca
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  • Masternaca changed the title to Eeves CLOSE

Hello @Tkl070701

It is imperative when bidding or purchasing as a whole that you are stating the specific account in which you wish to make purchases from. In this case you finalized this trade from an alt account without specifying that as such anywhere on this thread. In the future you will always need to indicate(at the time of placing your bid) that you intend to purchase from an alt account that is not the one you are currently utilizing at that time, on the forums.

On 2/13/2019 at 5:19 PM, Ehkoe said:

3. Bidders must have the means to honour their offer both:

- On the account the bid is made from

 Forum: If you intend to make payment from an alt account, different to the one used to make the bid on forums, specify clearly which account the payment will be made from.

 e.g. This may apply in cases where an account is forum banned.

- At the time of making the bid, and must remain available until outbid, or auction end.

@Masternaca Keep in mind for the future that you also need to be providing evidence of trade completion with finalizing any auction sales within our Trade zone.

On 2/13/2019 at 5:19 PM, Ehkoe said:

4. Auction winners must be publicly announced.

- In-game: A trade post must be made to announce the end of the auction, with the winning bidder's username and bid amount.

- Forum: A reply on the auction thread must be made with a screenshot of the completed trade window.

I have confirmed this transaction for the appropriate amount between @Masternaca and @Tkl070701(Pi2906)
I recommend both of you to familiarize yourselves with our Auction and Trade rulesets again.

I have locked this thread as completed.


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