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Big suggestion about future shape of PRO.



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Hello everyone!


At first I have to say that I'm not native english speaker, so forgive me any mistakes. I only hope you will understand what I would like to say.


Here we go.


First question: Which pokemon do you like, but not because of it's stats. Which one you really like? Do you enjoy looking at him? His lore is great? Or you just like that pokemon?

For example, I really like Lickitung. Well, he looks awesome.

Second question: Is that pokemon usefull in competetive part of game?

No. He has 385 base stats. For example of other similiar role and type there is Snorlax with, hands down, 540 base stats. (Bulbapedia links Licki, Snorlaxie)


And I think that's unfair. Did Ash in any of episodes told "Hey pika, I'm going to release you and pick Jolteon. He is far better."?

Nope. In anime series everyone picked what they like. Why can't we?


Because there are few uber pokes and crowd of retarded pokemons like poor Lickitung.

It doesn't have to be like this.

"But how?"- you can ask that and I will reply:

"Do the custom normed stats" and that is my idea.


What if we will have pattern for that? I thought about it for only one day, so it isn't perfect but should give you proper mindset.


If pokemon has one evolution stage. (Snorlax, Lickitung, Pinsir)

Base stats (500-510)


If pokemon has two evolution stages. (Scyther, Ekans, Grimer also Eevee)

First stage stats (350-360)

Final stage stats (500-510)


If pokemon has three evolution stages. (Starters, Geodude, Machop)

First stage stats (300-310)

Second stage stats (400-410)

Final stage stats (500-510)


Now we need a pattern to recalculate stats of our poor Licki to be in 500-510.


500/385=1,3 (First number is default base stat for that stage of evolution and it is divided by actual base stat of that pokemon)


So we need to multiple every lickitung base stat by 1,3.


Hp 90 * 1,3 = 117

Attack 55 * 1,3 = 72

Defense 75 * 1,3 = 98

Sp Attack 60 * 1,3 = 78

Sp Def 75 * 1,3 = 98

Speed 30 * 1,3 = 39


And 117 + 72 + 98 + 78 + 98 + 39 = 502

502 is between 500 and 510 so it worked.

Someone who dislike math can ask why 502 when we wanted 500? Because 75 * 1,3 = 97,5 so ~98.


It might sound unfair because Lickitung will be overpowered with ~500 base stat and Charmander will have ~300. It's not, because on lower lvl that difference wouldn't mean too much. Also with element advantage it will mean nothing.


Well it might take some time to recalculate every pokemon, but I'm sure community would like to help, myself including. For example GM could make new topic where anyone who will write number will receive that amount of pokes to recalculate. One or two people will be checking if calculations are done right and we will have that in no time.


What it gives to us?

Everyone would make their dream team based on their fav pokes, not based on numbers.

Currently team based on Lickitung, Beedrill, Muk, Sandslash and Mr. Mime would be laugh.

With that content in game, Devs can even make gyms run by players and for psychic it couldn't be 6x Alakazam.

People won't cry over shiny Caterpie, Zubat or Rattata.

Main storyline will be more like challange without useless Arbok, Muk and others.

There are many great possibilities.


"But that wasn't that way in other pokemon games!" - Someone might yell.

"Doesn't PRO have "Revolution" in their full name?"


Thanks for reading.

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I am aware of that tier system and I think some people would enjoy more if their every favorite poke wouldn't be " simply being outclassed by another Pokemon in a specific role ". Not sure if that part of people is majority but I would definitely enjoy if pokes will be more close in terms of power. Also this will give greater role to choose right moveset. To be honest I would like to see wide variety of pokemons on tournaments, not 2/3 of every team exacktly the same.


In my opinion differences in power are because of stats, some pokes have better movepool some have worse but 95% of pokes have enough potential. If stats would be more close to each other we would see hundreads of creative and smart builds.

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but similar things have been suggested, and doesnt work in a game-related way. Youre talking about anime, which is a completely different format.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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