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I can't get to the guild island

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14 hours ago, Zereff07 said:

Dear Sir

I don't know why I can't get to guild island, I've pvped 10 games and am in the top 3 guild. Please help me check.

Thank you

Greetings @Zereff07


I am sorry to hear about your situation here.


For entering Guild Island, you should meet the following requirements:

  • Your guild must have access itself. For that it should have secured the Top 3 position on the Guild-ladder the previous season.
  • You must have joined the guild at least 7 days prior to the season end.
  • You must have played at least 10 Ranked PvP games last season.
  • You must have finished the last season with at least 10 or more Rating in Ranked PvP.

As an alternative, to get access for a season you and your guild can donate a total of 20 Mysterious Tickets in total to the H.Ackerman NPC in Vermilion City, giving access to the Island for 50 members. Beyond that, every one ticket submitted will give access to 2 more members. 


In your case here, the guild you are in has successfully finished the last season in the Top 3 position of the Guild-ladder, and you have played a total of 11 Ranked PvP matches. However you finished the season with 1 rating, which is lower than the required 10 rating. Hence, why you cannot enter the Guild Island. 


I am really sorry, and understand that this might be disappointing to hear, but there's nothing we can do about it as you do not meet the requirements.


I will now lock this thread. Feel free to create a new one in case any such questions or issues arise in the future.


Take care,



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