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What's the point in having a board to complain about staffing abuse when you are telling the complaints to the ones abusing you?


This isn't an argument. Its a question. But Hexy will end up moving it where I cannot type or reply to it or deleting it soon anyway.

Only the inferior talk down on others regardless of their privileges or positions.

Inferior to their community with their heads in the clouds unwilling to evolve.

What's the point in having a board to complain about staffing abuse when you are telling the complaints to the ones abusing you?

No one is committing abuses on you. And for your information we follow staff policies so that abuses are not tolerated.

This isn't an argument. Its a question. But Hexy will end up moving it where I cannot type or reply to it or deleting it soon anyway.

You're right, I'll once again move it because you're possting threads that don't belong to the respective section you're posting under.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

What's the point in having a board to complain about staffing abuse when you are telling the complaints to the ones abusing you?

[glow=red]No one is committing abuses on you.[/glow] And for your information we follow staff policies so that abuses are not tolerated.


Because so long as I refuse to report an abuser to an abuser everyone is fine and staff never do anything abusive to players I'm just disappointed for nothing. Right Hexy buddy?

This isn't an argument. Its a question. But Hexy will end up moving it where I cannot type or reply to it or deleting it soon anyway.

[glow=red]You're right, I'll once again[/glow] move it because you're possting threads that don't belong to the respective section you're posting under.


I always have been right? :y:

Only the inferior talk down on others regardless of their privileges or positions.

Inferior to their community with their heads in the clouds unwilling to evolve.

From what I make out, I think staff abuse and cases of mis-moderation are dealt with the higher ups, such as Project Managers &/or Administrators, or heads/leads of each division and project. So I feel you're not exactly reporting offenses to the offender. On general experience, most cases of abuse of powers occurs in the much lower ranks of the hierarchy, such as moderators or apprentices, here. This is because they might be relatively inexperienced, or simply new to the job. I'm definite a lot of times these reports themselves act as eye openers for some staff, who made some honest mistakes [in case of which, I can be very forgiving. :')] so the report itself, even if not actively shown to be dealt with, might be serving as a potential stepping stone for several new staff. So even if you're "Reporting offenses to the offender"; you are still helping out resolve the issue long-term. This is assuming the reporter sincerely wants the issue dealt, and not revenge, haha. But that's just my two cents. x3

l once again move it because you're possting threads that don't belong to the respective section you're posting under.


Hehe, you shouldn't mind Hexy. I'm sure they're just trying to minimize the clutter and help organize stuff! ^^


Hope this provided some insight. Take care~ ^^


[glow=red]Tumblr: Erladino | dA: Erladino | Steam: Erladino | Skype: Erladino | PMU: Erladino[/glow]


[glow=red]'All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.'[/glow]


Credit to Ren for the signature.

If you feel like there is a serious problem, I would suggest talking it out with Shane. He has been really good about communicating with the player base like a person and not a mindless robot.


I didnt read all the comments and I dont know the situation, but in any situation if you feel like your voice isnt being heard its best just to go to the supervisor. Cheers.

I used to be GymLeaderGreen, VVVV Master Race 4 Lyfe


From what I make out, I think staff abuse and cases of[glow=red]mis-moderation are dealt with the higher ups, such as Project Managers &/or Administrators[/glow], or heads/leads of each division and project. So I feel you're not exactly reporting offenses to the offender. On general experience, most cases of abuse of powers occurs in the much lower ranks of the hierarchy, such as moderators or apprentices, here. This is because they might be relatively inexperienced, or simply new to the job. I'm definite a lot of times these reports themselves act as eye openers for some staff, who made some honest mistakes [in case of which, I can be very forgiving. :')] so the report itself, even if not actively shown to be dealt with, might be serving as a potential stepping stone for several new staff. So even if you're "Reporting offenses to the offender"; you are still helping out resolve the issue long-term. This is assuming the reporter sincerely wants the issue dealt, and not revenge, haha. But that's just my two cents. x3

l once again move it because you're possting threads that don't belong to the respective section you're posting under.


Hehe, you shouldn't mind Hexy. I'm sure they're just trying to minimize the clutter and help organize stuff! ^^


Hope this provided some insight. Take care~ ^^



Sadly the red quoted isn't true. I cannot show you how I know here but in a screenshot I have of just such an instance where I had reported a mod to themselves. I'm sure they'd had a field day giggling to themselves while they told me just how silly it was to even attempt justice.

[glow=red]If you feel like there is a serious problem, I would suggest talking it out with Shane.[/glow] He has been really good about communicating with the player base like a person and not a mindless robot.


I didnt read all the comments and I dont know the situation, but in any situation if you feel like your voice isnt being heard its best just to go to the supervisor. Cheers.


I absolutely agree. I've been compiling a list of everything that goes on to report when hes got time off.

Only the inferior talk down on others regardless of their privileges or positions.

Inferior to their community with their heads in the clouds unwilling to evolve.

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