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Well, 3 Weeks Shellderhunting, got a total of 9. All 9 bad. Staryu 14~ all bad, and Togepi 3 in 2 days, all.... bad.

Blimey that is unfortunate. I guess that is PRO for you XD. When I go staryu hunting I find its very effective to try catching them in union cave, they seem to easier to get, I found about 10 but thanks to role play I ruled 1/2 of them out. Ended up finding 2 usable staryus.



Route34 ( south from goldenrod ) worked best for me so far, ill try urs. Shellderhunting is impossible tho, even in olivine

agreed, I gave up on shellder and thought it best just to buy myself a good one, might make things a little easier.

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Blimey that is unfortunate. I guess that is PRO for you XD. When I go staryu hunting I find its very effective to try catching them in union cave, they seem to easier to get, I found about 10 but thanks to role play I ruled 1/2 of them out. Ended up finding 2 usable staryus.



Route34 ( south from goldenrod ) worked best for me so far, ill try urs. Shellderhunting is impossible tho, even in olivine

agreed, I gave up on shellder and thought it best just to buy myself a good one, might make things a little easier.


No one on blue sells them, for known reasons. No one has them.

The time when you meet guild mate and he become your partner in training pokemon :) After that, recognize that he was the buyers from your shop before xD

i was in ruins of alph hunting fro sync natu, and a guy came using his totodile as a lead poke to hunt.. i pmed him and tell him a trick how to catch sync natus w/o wasting pokeballs for non sync natu.. after i teach him the trick he thanked me then after 5 secs i encountered shiny natu XD.. i told the guy that i found shiny natu and he said that it was a good karma XD



Happened yesterday, I was filling my last Kanto dex slots and needed a Moon Stone to evolve a Nidorina, so I found a girl (forgot her name) on trade chat selling one. She sent me a Teddiursa holding the item, I asked her if she wanted the Teddiursa back and she said yes. I sent it back but forgot to take away the Moon Stone. She could've kept the stone and money but sent it to me again instead. Yea it was just a Moon Stone but it was still nice of her cause not taking it away was absolutely my own fault.

155173 Why don't you guys get back to the topic lol.

The reason why is because I was trying to use this as a way to create a story on this topic. Then Klixzzz will have a story to post about "how a helpful forum member helped me with bla bla bla..." provided I did help ofc.




Route34 ( south from goldenrod ) worked best for me so far, ill try urs. Shellderhunting is impossible tho, even in olivine

agreed, I gave up on shellder and thought it best just to buy myself a good one, might make things a little easier.


No one on blue sells them, for known reasons. No one has them.


dam well I am so glad to be on the red server then!

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