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2 hours ago, Excelso said:

halo staff, 

bagaimana saya harus evolusi eve ke sylveon ? saya memakai rare candy di love tidak bisa evolusi.
sedangkan sudah lv 99. 
adakah saran dari kamu ? 



Hiya @Excelso


I am sorry to hear about your situation here.


Eevee evolves into Sylveon if its leveled up in Love Island while its knowing a fairy type move. To unlock Love Island, you will need a at least 120 Kanto Pokemon caught and have a total of 38+ Evolutions entered in your Pokedex. 


In your case here, we can see that you have Baby-Doll Eyes learned on the Eevee already, which is a Fairy type move and you also said that you are in Love Island and have used a Rare Candy to level it up there, which should have worked in this case. However, you also, seemingly, have your Eevee at Maximum Happiness(255) which might be triggering the Evolution to Umbreon or Espeon. 


Considering that I'd advise you that you decrease the Happiness on it by fainting it in a wild/NPC battle and try leveling it up once more, and let me know if that works. 


Looking forward to hearing back from you.


Have a great day,



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