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More Cosmetic Items

Guest SameSky

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Guest SameSky

Honestly I can basically just make a huge list. I know the beta just went live not long ago and there must be a lot on the teams plate but, Here are a few things I would like added.


-Suicune mount

-A lot more Hats/Wings/Tails. Something along the lines of Angel wings or Pokemon tails (Starters,Any of the Eeveelutions,Pikachu)

-Shiny charm? Very debatable. But it would act like the already existing exp boost in the shop. Just with you know, A slightly higher shiny chance. Also, an EV boosting potion would be nice.

-All Past Team Costumes. Personally I already love the team rocket uniform. But seeing team aqua or magma would be nice too.

-Titles At the begging of a name. Kind of like how the mod in chat has a small symbol to show he is a moderator. This would be nice for your Premium members too. Ex:Pokemon Master/Shiny Catcher/Champion/Etc

-Extra specialty items like Masterballs, Or even Custom pokeballs?

-Social Items that have a certain animation unique to them. Like a Chair making you able to sit down with your friends,

-Hair style cupon/Face style cupon to re-do or add more Premium looks.


I could probably think of more but I doubt most will be implemented. :Angel: But thanks for taking the time to read this.

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Most of these will be in some time down the line.


- we already have master balls, players are unable to obtain them outside major tornaments due to there being some catchable legends in the future.


- there will also not be lables infront of players names. People will get confused and mistake those users for staff members. So these wont happen


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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Guest SameSky
Most of these will be in some time down the line.


- we already have master balls, players are unable to obtain them outside major tornaments due to there being some catchable legends in the future.


- there will also not be lables infront of players names. People will get confused and mistake those users for staff members. So these wont happen


I guess I can understand about the labels/titles.

Would be happy to see most of these come into the game thought ^_^

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