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Hi, just started playing today. The community and staff ingame were really helpful and I actually learned alot about iv's, ev's and training pokemon from 2 hours than I have over the years of casually playing from just talking to people in chat. Was playing on blue server but seems to be down for now. Anyway, nice to be here. Also, I'm having trouble getting an avatar for my profile, if someone could better explain how I can that'd be great. Whenever I try to click on avatar type in edit avatar it doesn't let me see the options. Not sure if this is because I'm new here or not.

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155378 Hi, just started playing today. The community and staff ingame were really helpful and I actually learned alot about iv's, ev's and training pokemon from 2 hours than I have over the years of casually playing from just talking to people in chat. Was playing on blue server but seems to be down for now. Anyway, nice to be here. Also, I'm having trouble getting an avatar for my profile, if someone could better explain how I can that'd be great. Whenever I try to click on avatar type in edit avatar it doesn't let me see the options. Not sure if this is because I'm new here or not.


Welcome to PRO. Hope you enjoy the grind and the stay!

"I give you, the mausoleum, of all hope and desire, which will fit your individual needs no better then it did mine or my father's before me. I give it to you, not that you may remember time, but that you must forget it, and not spend every breath and waking moment trying to conquer it.

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