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Shabrina's Shop ~ (Closed)

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Re: Shabrina's Shop ~


<r><QUOTE author="Whiteblaze89"><s>

</s><POST content="223566"><s></s>223566<e></e></POST> hi.. if i buy pink winter set + purple kimono, do i get a discount? :D<e>

500k i give the price, how?<br/>


<QUOTE author="DarkStephen"><s>

</s><POST content="223575"><s></s>223575<e></e></POST> Is shiftry still in stock?<e>

still available sir<br/>


if u want contact me ingame with nick Rothansayuti, i use my friend account from now</r>

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Re: Shabrina's Shop ~


<r><QUOTE author="lkfo415579"><s>

</s><POST content="224459"><s></s>224459<e></e></POST> wtb Shiny Magicarp , pm u in game? myname:lkfo415579<br/>

buy umbreon 380k<e>


U can contact me in game for shiny magicarp, for umbreon i cant go with 380k sir, sorry</r>

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Re: Shabrina's Shop ~


<r><QUOTE author="lkfo415579"><s>

</s><POST content="224939"><s></s>224939<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Shabrina"><s>
</s><POST content="224696"><s></s>224696<e></e></POST> Rothansayuti<e>

when are u online?and name? how about 430k<e>


I'm not online now, maybe in 1 hours i will online, u want umbre and shiny magicarp?</r>

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Re: Shabrina's Shop ~


<r><QUOTE author="Shabrina"><s>

</s><POST content="224987"><s></s>224987<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="lkfo415579"><s>
</s><POST content="224939"><s></s>224939<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Shabrina"><s>
</s><POST content="224696"><s></s>224696<e></e></POST> Rothansayuti<e>

when are u online?and name? how about 430k<e>


I'm not online now, maybe in 1 hours i will online, u want umbre and shiny magicarp?<e>



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