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Shabrina's Shop ~ (Closed)

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Re: Shabrina's Shop ~


<r><QUOTE author="joejoe97365"><s>

</s><POST content="294347"><s></s>294347<e></e></POST> ok thought about it not buy them you can sell it too other people<e>

ok if u change ur mind...<br/>


<QUOTE author="halvoure"><s>

</s><POST content="294360"><s></s>294360<e></e></POST> insta blaziken<e>

are u online now?</r>

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Re: Shabrina's Shop ~


<r><QUOTE author="keilep"><s>

</s><POST content="294489"><s></s>294489<e></e></POST> i want to buy gligar 400k and abra 100k<e>

gligar have, but abra sold, forgot update, u can contact me ingame right now....<br/>


<QUOTE author="Wolffie"><s>

</s><POST content="294494"><s></s>294494<e></e></POST> insta gardevoir<e>

pm me ingame now</r>

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