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I noticed that the item maniac in goldenrod is no longer an interact-able NPC any more, is there a reason for this or is it just bugged?

I would like to sell some of my items and it does not seem to be responding to me. Also Andrew in goldenrod underground is not working either.

https://puu.sh/jMCSd/a3aa308041.png screenshot of andrew

https://puu.sh/jMCSI/081c836991.png screenshot of item maniac

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I can confirm that it has been deliberately disabled for now, as duplicatively exploited items were sold to it and an immediate stopgap fix was needed to prevent them from further commercializing those exploited items. While the item exploitation is a discrete issue from this script and assuredly should be fixed by now, the staff has also collectively agreed that the Item Maniac in itself needs to be re-examined and refined with its item and price selections--especially for consistency purposes with other junk-buyers--before it can be made serviceable again.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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I can confirm that it has been deliberately disabled for now, as duplicatively exploited items were sold to it and an immediate stopgap fix was needed to prevent them from further commercializing those exploited items. While the item exploitation is a discrete issue from this script and assuredly should be fixed by now, the staff has also collectively agreed that the Item Maniac in itself needs to be re-examined and refined with its item and price selections--especially for consistency purposes with other junk-buyers--before it can be made serviceable again.


With junk-buyers you mean npcs?

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