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Quack Jack Scammer

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The quack jack in goldenrod city game corner stole 50 coins. For what ever reason even though it'd say i won and that i was +several coins that run, it took all coins, which i paid 250k for. Please help and tysm for being amazing pkmn revolution!~

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Hi. Thank you for contacting us about your issue.

I will post you here an extremely detailled and useful guide on the Quack Jack "system" and I really recommend you dedicate some time to read it all. You should get more insight on the game.

Here is the link: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/152761-quack-jack-game-guide/

We hope the information provided will be useful to you. Thank you very much for your time and good luck in your adventures!

- Kubrick

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