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I Need help with my pvp team


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Dont listen to change mives on togekiss. That moveset os fine togekiss does not need any fairy move at all I would rather switch aura sphere with flame thrower or fire blast to deal with scizor, excadrill or ferrothorn

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161511 Play focus blast on gengar (if thats possible)


Focus Blast Isn't available yet on Pro :)

157163 Hi Guys, i need some helps with my pvp team.


21mesjl.png 1zl4nk4.png 549jbb.png 18yxdz.png 2ewpjwy.png 2db6i5w.png (i know this tyranitar sucks for pvp)




Those are my lv 100 pokes and my team for now i need ur help to know if i need to change some pokemons and which i could buy.


Your help would be appricieated. :Grin:

Similar to the abovementioned comment I would highly suggest swapping out Ampharos for a pokemon who will benefit from the Tyranitar Sandstorm.

Also you should consider Adding a SpDef Tank to your team to give you some options and depth.


And lastly the most important of all the advice i could give is that you desperately need to aquire some EV ressetting Berries

and Properly train Your pokemon's EV stats. It makes them significantly stronger. Here is a nice guide on best location's to do that:



Essentially for each pokemon you want to fully train 252 EV's in the most important 2 stats for that pokemon, For example on your Weaville it should be Attack and Speed. The speed is maxed which is good, But you want to reset the other stats by feeding it berries to allow you to Max out it's Attack :)

You never know what you will find behind the MasK.

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1st thing is drop the Tyranitar that ability nature is awful there is many different ways you could go with jolly, ada, even impish or relaxed but bold is not where you wna be


2nd 252 atk/252 spd on Weavile swords dance, ice shard, knock off, brick break is a good moveset


3rd most competitive teams have at least 2 good tanks so id look to add Skarmory, ferrothorn or forretress to give you a good tank along with a set up (stealth rocks/spikes) and also rapid spin/defog pokes


Other than that all of your pokes save Ampharos could have better IVS

also i would suggest using this guide to help you pick the pokes for your team https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24096


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