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PokéVault (Dungeons, PvP, Bosses, Story, Shiny, Forms, Items) & Dungeon Service (Meloetta & Victini)

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Welcome to the Ultimate Emporium, your premier destination for a diverse selection of Pokémon tailored to all your adventures.

At the PokéVault, you will find a wide variety of Pokémon for Dungeons (such as Forlorn Court, Crux of Melody, Vale of the Ruins), PvP, PvE, Boss battles, and Story progression (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn & Sinnoh). Boss teams are available for lending as well as buying.

We also offer Dungeon Service for Meloetta and Victini. I made a separate forum thread where I offer Dungeon Service. Click HERE for more information.


Accepted Payments:

 IV_Reroll_Ticket.png.8fbc15d46848c63bd829778f3f859c8f.png  IV Reroll Ticket    500k 
 Nature_Reroll_Ticket.png.b2d20642146b1e7ee3eb793cba9073b1.png  Nature Reroll Ticket    250k 
 Coin_Capsule.png.12c43f3c17762d6f29c081bc5fde977e.png  Coin Capsule    400k 
spacer.png Black Medallion    160k
 Rare_Candy.png.dba6026d084d78552e5d4171a51cc1bd.png  Rare Candy      5k 


Contact Info for TBA7 & Mhtsolas:


Discord = TBA7

Time zone = GMT+1

Dungeon Pokémon for sale:






Greninja (Battle Bond)







200k each

dung-weavile2.PNG.e0eb279e6a4c3a7fa6bacdfcac2d63c9.PNG dung-weavile3.PNG.d6549c7d644970224ee86e46630ac408.PNG




250k each

dung-mimi1.PNG.2241b8e939f2d505dfb99afce535ed19.PNG dung-mimi5.PNG.569d10c40dad8250752665dbe9f506f7.PNG dung-mimi2.PNG.3d6ce3f65cf710b9c10db04e5cb90009.PNG dung-mimi4.PNG.c4b053fb2751db05c3fcd69cd9a8f5a0.PNG dung-mimi6.PNG.04461f12f9e602429dbb253797537410.PNG

















PvP Pokémon for sale:


Tyranitar (Sand Setter)





Dragonite (Trick Room)










Porygon2 (Trick Room)





Rotom-Wash (HP Fire)











Camerupt (Trick Room)



































Pokémon for Bosses: (For sale & for rent)


Boss Team 1 (Moveset Ready)


1.1 million

Boss Team for Hard mode.

Refer to "How to use the Boss Team?" section below for guidance.



Boss Team 2 (Moveset Ready)


1.1 million (SOLD OUT)

Boss Team for Hard mode.

Refer to "How to use the Boss Team?" section below for guidance.


 Klefki (Moveset ready)



Moves: Reflect, Light Screen, Thunder Wave, Spikes

boss-klefki1.png.ec10b7dc9609308021a8fefe0368e65b.png boss-klefki2.png.7c018194dde123d274161697f182747c.png boss-klefki3.png.4557fd0aff9f941350e5413cf8a9e1bb.png boss-klefki4.PNG.1a1bd72c8ec189694761aa6158778a4e.PNG


Whimsicott (Moveset ready)



Moves: Switcheroo, Memento, Cotton Spore, Flash

Sold out for now...


Pangoro (Moveset ready)



Moves: Power Trip, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Bullet Punch

Sold out for now...


Baton Passer(Gorebyss, etc.) - (Moveset ready)


Gorebyss & Huntail - 200k each

Moves: Substitute, Aqua Ring, Shell Smash, Baton Pass

Sold out for now...

Ninjask - 200k

Moves: Substitute, Protect, Swords Dance, Baton Pass



Furret (Summer Form) - 200k

Moves: Substitute, Coil, Agility, Baton Pass

boss-furret1.PNG.edd50b9b5a120a13bffa1f35433b21cf.PNG boss-furret2.PNG.6eed1cc19dc9a8726146d199907bcb8a.PNG boss-furret3.PNG.bf64446629bbfd66bc3a6611a2760517.PNG


Shiny Furret - 300k

Moves: Substitute, Coil, Agility, Baton Pass






Sold out for now...


Shuckle (Moveset ready)


Moves: Sweet Scent, Stealth Rock, Final Gambit, Flash

Sold out for now...


Golduck (Moveset ready)


Golduck (Xmas & Valentines form) - 250k

Moves: Hypnosis, Substitute, Simple Beam, Flash

boss-duck-xmas1.PNG.3af49541450db730d5216b75933540ab.PNG boss-duck-xmas2.PNG.ad743cfd2be646141ab6f293ea0d7065.PNG boss-duck-xmas3.PNG.36b7ae72d4f8563f8e43f9f15cfb0d50.PNG boss-duck-valent.PNG.591d12fcac2d98e8469ea44f742d7a53.PNG


Shiny Golduck - 350k

Moves: Hypnosis, Substitute, Simple Beam, Flash



Rental Boss Team 1 (Moveset Ready)


Rent price: 50k daily | 150k for 5 days

Boss Team for most bosses on hard mode.


Rental Boss Team 2 (Moveset Ready)


Rent price: 50k daily | 150k for 5 days

Boss Team for most bosses on hard mode with 2 Baton Passers for extra insurance.


Pokémon for Story progression: (For sale & for rent)







Alolan Ninetales











Shiny & Forms for sale:


Shadow Forms


Shadow Swellow - 800k



Pikachu Forms


Mario Pikachu - 1m


Luigi Pikachu - 850k


Astro Pikachu - 850k


Libre Pikachu - 500k


Summer Pikachu - 300k


Xmas Pikachu - 180k


Halloween Pikachu - 350k


Halloween Pikachu - 550k




April Fools Forms


April Fools Bidoof - 250k


April Fools Bidoof - 200k


April Fools Bidoof - 200k


April Fools Fearow - 200k


April Fools Fearow - 200k





May the 4th Forms


May 4th Alakazam - 700k



Summer Forms




Summer Ponyta - 50k


Summer Horsea - 300k


Summer Wingull - 50k


Summer Wingull - 50k


Summer Wingull - 50k



Halloween Forms


Halloween Snorlax - 3M


Halloween Gengar - 700k


Halloween Teddiursa - 60k


Halloween Growlithe - 75k


Halloween Seedot - 300k


Halloween Gastly - 50k


Halloween Slowpoke - 50k


Halloween Slowpoke - 50k


Halloween Slowpoke - 50k


Halloween Ponyta - 50k


Halloween Bronzor - 50k


Halloween Bronzor - 60k



Christmas Forms


Xmas Snorunt - 100k


Xmas Unown N - 200k


Xmas Farfetch'd - 80k


Xmas Ampharos - 650k



Valentines Forms


Vday Seel - 250k


Vday Budew - 60k


Valentines Clefable -180k




Easter Forms


Easter Pidgey - 50k


Easter Exeggcute - 75k



Miscellaneous Forms


Clone Blastoise - 250k





Shiny Slowpoke - 50k


Shiny Slowpoke 150k


Shiny Tailow - 40k


Shiny Farfetch'd - 80k


Shiny Golbat - 100k


Shiny Watchog - 100k


Shiny Rattata - 50k


Shiny Rattata - 50k


Shiny Pidgey - 125k


Shiny Bronzong - 2m



Untrained Pokémon for sale:


50k - 100k























101k - 200k


Rorom-Wash (HP Fire) - 125k



201k - 500k





501k - 1m


Coming soon...




Coming soon...


Items for sale:


 Rare_Candy.png.dba6026d084d78552e5d4171a51cc1bd.png Rare Candy = Pokedollar 6.5k each (500 RC's remaining)

 spacer.png Choice Band = Pokedollar.png.ab925edf985a297f7f21959c99b9e24f.png 60k

 spacer.png  Flame Orb = Pokedollar.png.ab925edf985a297f7f21959c99b9e24f.png 30k

 spacer.png  Toxic Orb = Pokedollar.png.ab925edf985a297f7f21959c99b9e24f.png 30k

 spacer.png  Master Ball = Pokedollar.png.ab925edf985a297f7f21959c99b9e24f.png 80k

 spacer.png  Focus Sash = Pokedollar.png.ab925edf985a297f7f21959c99b9e24f.png 2k

 spacer.png  Lagging Tail = Pokedollar.png.ab925edf985a297f7f21959c99b9e24f.png 10k

  spacer.png   Leftovers = Pokedollar.png.ab925edf985a297f7f21959c99b9e24f.png 1.5k


I have many more items. If you need anything specific, let me know and we can figure out a reasonable price!


How to use the Boss Team?


The following Boss Team is capable of defeating the majority of bosses on Hard Mode. However, for specific bosses such as Erika, Steven, and Ash Westbrook, certain adjustments on the team are required. Detailed strategies for each of these bosses can be found under the "Efficient Boss Strategy" section below.

Each Pokémon on the team must hold the specified items listed below:



Moves: Switcheroo, Memento, Cotton Spore, Flash

Role: Leading Pokémon to cripple opponent






Bold preferably

spacer.png  Lagging Tail



Moves: Sweet Scent, Stealth Rock, Final Gambit, Flash

Role: Sleep Enabler & Hazard Setter






Bold, Impish, Calm or Careful

spacer.png  Lum Berry


Moves: Hypnosis, Substitute, Simple Beam, Flash

Role: Accuracy Debuffer





Any ability

Doesn't matter

spacer.png  Leftovers


Moves: Substitute, Aqua Ring, Shell Smash, Baton Pass

Role: Baton Passer





Any ability

Doesn't matter

spacer.png  Leftovers


Moves: Power Trip, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Bullet Punch

Role: Sweeper





Mold Breaker


spacer.png  Focus Sash


Moves: Counter, Mirror Coat, Destiny Bond, Encore

Role: Mega Pokémon Sweeper





Shadow Tag

Bold, Impish, Calm or Careful

spacer.png  Focus Sash

How to use the Boss Team?

Basically for most bosses, you need to lead with Whimsicott with the Prankster ability. Prankster gives priority to Status moves. Whimsicott also needs to hold the Lagging Tail item. When a Pokémon holds a Lagging Tail, it will always move last, but this will not affect Whimsicott as it has the Prankster ability. The reason Whimsicott holds a Lagging Tail is to pass it to the opponent by using the move Switcheroo, causing the opponent to always move last. This allows you to control the pace of the battle, giving you a significant advantage. However, it is important to note that Switcheroo will not work on a Mega Pokémon holding a Mega Stone, as Mega Stones cannot be removed from their holders. Some bosses lead with a Mega Pokémon, rendering Switcheroo ineffective. In these instances, it is recommended to lead with Wobbuffet and use Counter for physical attacks or Mirror Coat for special attacks. If you're uncertain about which move to use, refer to the "Efficient Boss Strategy" section below, where the required move for each respective boss is highlighted. Once you have successfully defeated the Mega Pokémon, let Wobbuffet faint against the boss’s second Pokémon, then switch to Whimsicott to use Switcheroo and continue with the setup as detailed below:


1. Whimsicott (Prankster ability)

  • Use Switcheroo to exchange items with the opponent, giving them the Lagging Tail. (Note: Switcheroo will not work on a Pokémon holding a Mega Stone and will fail if attempted. If the boss leads with a Mega Pokémon, you must first defeat it using Wobbuffet, then proceed to set up with Whimsicott on the boss’s second Pokémon.)

  • If Whimsicott faints, switch to Shuckle, but if Whimsicott survives, use Memento and then switch to Shuckle.

2. Shuckle (Sturdy ability)

  • Use Sweet Scent to lower the opponent's evasiveness, ensuring that your next Pokémon, Golduck, will always land Hypnosis.

  • Next, set up Stealth Rock. Some boss Pokémon hold a Focus Sash, but with Stealth Rocks in place, their Focus Sash will become ineffective, allowing you to secure a one-hit knockout (OHKO).

  • If Shuckle survives, use Flash or Final Gambit to provide a safe switch into Golduck.

3. Golduck

  • Start by using Hypnosis to put the opponent to sleep. Thanks to Shuckle’s earlier use of Sweet Scent, Hypnosis will always land.

  • Next, use Substitute. If the opponent wakes up, immediately use Hypnosis again. If they break your Substitute, set up a new one as well.

  • Once safely behind a Substitute, use Simple Beam to change the opponent's ability to Simple. Make sure the opponent is still asleep and that you remain behind a Substitute.

  • Proceed by using Flash 3 times to lower the opponent's accuracy to -6. Only 3 uses of Flash are necessary due to the effect of Simple Beam.

  • After using Flash 3 times and the opponent is still asleep, wait for it to wake up, then use Hypnosis to increase the likelihood of them staying asleep longer. Once this is done, switch to Gorebyss/Huntail.

4. Gorebyss/Huntail

  • Start by using Substitute.
  • Next, use Aqua Ring to improve your win rate, though this step is only necessary for certain bosses and will take more time.

  • Afterward, use Shell Smash 3 times. If the opponent breaks your Substitute during this setup phase, make sure to create a new Substitute!

  • Once you’ve used Shell Smash 3 times and are safely behind a Substitute, use Baton Pass to switch to Pangoro. All the stat boosts Gorebyss gained from Shell Smash will be transferred to Pangoro. Additionally, the Substitute will also carry over to Pangoro, so ensure that it’s still active. (A Pokémon behind a Substitute is immune to abilities like Intimidate, meaning neither Gorebyss' nor Pangoro's stats can be lowered while they remain protected by a Substitute.)

5. Pangoro (Mold Breaker ability)

  • In most cases, you will use Power Trip, which deals increased damage based on the number of stat boosts you’ve accumulated. Since you have previously maximized Gorebyss's Attack and Speed stats, Power Trip will deal significant damage.

  • For some specific Pokémon, you need to use another move, such as Rock Slide for Thor's Zapdos, etc. If a move other than Power Trip is required, it will be specified in the "Efficient Boss Strategy" section below.

  • Pangoro's Mold Breaker ability will bypass abilities like Sturdy, allowing for one-hit knockouts. However, Mold Breaker does not affect items such as Focus Sash, so make sure you set up Stealth Rock with Shuckle beforehand, ensuring Pangoro can OHKO opponents holding a Focus Sash.

6. Wobbuffet (Shadow Tag ability)

  • Wobbuffet is only needed when a boss leads with a Mega Pokémon. Refer to the "Efficient Boss Strategy" section below to know which bosses leads with a Mega Pokémon.
  • Use Counter if the opponent uses a physical move or Mirror Coat if the opponent uses a special move. If you are unsure which move to use, refer to the "Efficient Boss Strategy" section below, where the required move for each Mega Pokémon is highlighted.
  • After successfully defeating the Mega Pokémon, let Wobbuffet faint against the boss’s second Pokémon, then switch to Whimsicott and proceed with the default strategy.

Efficient Boss Strategy:


This guide provides an optimal strategy for each boss, along with warnings and reminders denoted by different colored stars.

The bosses are arranged in a strategically optimized sequence, allowing you to defeat all bosses efficiently in a single route, eliminating the need for spending money on fast travel.

Some bosses have additional requirements that must be fulfilled, as outlined below:

  • Jessie and James: Pikachu is required to be in your team
  • Xylos: Requires caught data of all Eeveelutions.
  • Urahara: Full team of level 100 Pokémon is required.
  • Lance: 1 Dragon type Pokémon is required and you must have 150 Evolved Data in Pokédex.
  • Saphirr: 1 Fire type Pokémon is required and you need to have completed the Heatran Quest. Rock Climb tool or a Pokémon with the move Rock Climb is required to be able to reach the Boss.
  • Gingery Jones: 2400 Excavation Points are required.
  • Steven: 2 Steel types are required and one of your Pokémon needs to know the move Iron Defense. It's also required that you have completed Steven's Quest in Valley Of Steel Eastern Peak.
  • Professor Rowan: Requires caught data of at least 50 Pokémon native to the Sinnoh region.
  • Maribela: Full team of level 100 Pokémon is required.
  • Ash Westbrook: Requires 250 hours playtime and 80 hours playtime exclusively in the Sinnoh region.


Color Legend table:

* = Boss leads with a Mega Pokémon. Use Wobbuffet to take it out, then setup on boss's second Pokémon with Whimsicott as usual

* = Warning

* = Reminder



Cinnabar Island

➺ Professor Oak ➺ Cinnabar Island Lab Room 2

* Prof. Oak leads with Rotom-Wash with Defog to remove Stealth Rocks. However, this is not a concern as none of his Pokémon hold a Focus Sash.

Mt. Silver

➺ Terminator ➺ Mt Silver Moltres Chamber

* Avoid using a Baton Passer with the Speed Boost ability, as Magnezone can use Simple Beam and change your Pokémon's ability to Simple.

Viridian Forest

➺ Erika ➺ Viridian Maze

* Strategy coming soon...

Pewter City

➺ Officer Shamac ➺ Pewter Jail

* Officer Shamac leads with Mega Swampert, which has Waterfall—a move that may cause flinching. From my experience, Mega Swampert typically uses Earthquake against Wobbuffet and Waterfall against Shuckle. It is therefore recommended to use a Wobbuffet with approximately 200 total Defense, allowing it to Counter Mega Swampert while retaining enough HP to Mirror Coat Swellow. Swellow has the move Boomburst, which deals significant damage and bypasses Substitute.

A Wobbuffet with a total Defense stat of 199 and 01 IV in HP, will receive between 42.7% - 50.3% damage from an Earthquake by Mega Swampert. This will allow Wobbuffet to Mirror Coat Swellow as well, since Ominous Wind will not defeat Wobbuffet. However, if Mega Swampert crits Wobbuffet with the sats above, Earthquake will deal 64% - 75.4% damage. Depending on your Wobbuffets nature and IV's, it might not have enough HP left to Mirror Coat the Swellow. Therefore, it's recommended to give Wobbuffet a Quick Claw, meaning there is a chance you can move before the Swellow and use Destiny Bond to take it down with you. Remember to use Destiny Bond only if Mega Swampert landed a critical hit on Wobbuffet. If Swellow moves before Wobbuffet and also lands a crit with Ominous Wind, it will defeat Wobbuffet. In that case switch to Whimsicott and setup as usual. Swellow will eventually miss as its accuracy gets lowered.


➺ George ➺ Pewter Jail

* George leads with Arcanine, which has Extreme Speed—a priority move that can be tricky to deal with. Nevertheless, the standard strategy remains effective. You can use Wobbuffet with Counter for additional insurance.

Cerulean City

➺ Naero ➺ Cerulean Cave B1F

* Mr. Mime holds a Focus Sash, so make sure to set up Stealth Rocks to guarantee a OHKO.

Route 25

➺ Entei Guardian ➺ Route 25 Cave

* Entei Guardian leads with Entei, which has Extreme Speed—a priority move that can be tricky to deal with. Nevertheless, the standard strategy remains effective. You can use Wobbuffet with Counter for additional insurance, but keep in mind that his next Pokémon is Infernape with the move Flare Blitz. Every time Infernape uses Flare Blitz, it will receive recoil damage equal to 1/3rd of the damage output that is inflicted on the opponent. It's very unlikely that it will kill itself when its accuracy is lowered to -6, so in my opinion it's feasible to setup on Infernape.

Saffron City

➺ Chuck ➺ Saffron Gold's Gym

* Chuck leads with Machamp, which has the No Guard ability, ensuring that Machamp's moves never miss. Therefore, be sure to use Simple Beam when Golduck is switched in to change Machamp's ability. Although you can defeat Machamp with Wobbuffet's Counter, changing its ability with Simple Beam is recommended, as Chuck’s next Pokémon, Infernape, knows the priority move Vacuum Wave, which can be tricky to deal with.

* Mienshao holds a Focus Sash, so make sure to set up Stealth Rocks to guarantee a OHKO.


➺ Koichi ➺ Saffron Dojo

* Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan both hold a Focus Sash, so make sure to set up Stealth Rocks to guarantee a OHKO.

* Use Earthquake on the opponent's Pangoro to guarantee a OHKO, as Power Trip may not secure a OHKO depending on your Pangoro's IVs and nature.

Lavender Town

➺ Urahara ➺ Pokemon Tower 3F

* Volcarona has the Flame Body ability, which can burn opponents on physical contact and lower your Pangoro's attack. Therefore, use non-contact moves such as Earthquake or Rock Slide to avoid getting burned.

* Volcarona holds a Focus Sash, so make sure to set up Stealth Rocks to guarantee a OHKO.


➺ The Pumpkin King ➺ Lavender Town Graveyard

* The leading Bisharp is a Dark-type Pokémon, which causes Whimsicott's Prankster ability to fail. Additionally, Bisharp has the Defiant ability, which raises its Attack stat by 2 stages whenever one of its stats is lowered. You could use Destiny Bond or Counter against it, however, the next Pokémon is Shuckle, which knows Encore, Toxic, Stealth Rock, and Infestation. Therefore, it is recommended to lead with your own Shuckle, use Sweet Scent, and set up Stealth Rock if possible. Then, switch to Golduck and follow the standard strategy. Bisharp will lose its Defiant ability when you use Simple Beam on it. Alternatively, consider replacing Whimsicott with Klefki to set up Reflect.

* Roserade has the Poison Point ability. Use Earthquake to avoid getting poisoned.

Celadon City

➺ Jessie & James ➺ West of Celadon City

* You need a Pikachu on your team to challenge Jessie & James. It is recommended to teach Pikachu HM05 - Flash.

Remember to battle Jessie, as James leads with Malamar, which has the Contrary ability that reverses all stat changes.

Vermilion City

➺ Xylos ➺ Vermilion Pokemon Club

* Requires caught data of all Eeveelutions.


➺ Brock ➺ Diglett's Cave

* Brock leads with Mega Aerodactyl. It is recommended to defeat it using Counter rather than Destiny Bond, as Aerodactyl can use Taunt.

Vermilion City Dock

➺ Officer Jenny ➺ Pinkan Lighthouse 2F

* Gengar's Cursed Body ability can disable Pangoro's last used move, so make sure to use a move like Earthquake.


➺ Klohver ➺ Pinkan Island Meadow


➺ Shary & Shaui ➺ Love Island House 1

* Shary leads with Flareon, which knows Flare Blitz. Each time Flare Blitz lands, Flareon takes recoil damage equal to 1/3 of the damage dealt to the opponent. However, with Flareon's accuracy eventually reduced to -6, it's very unlikely it will knock itself out.

* Azelf holds a Focus Sash, so make sure to set up Stealth Rocks to guarantee a OHKO.


Prehax ➺ Munchlax Resort House 1

* You can only have 2 Pokémon in your team in order to battle Prehax and all Fighting moves are prohibited. Umbreon with Toxic and Wish can defeat all 4 Munchlax's.

* Prehax does not affect the weekly boss limit of 20 boss fights per week.


Cie ➺ Munchlax Resort Fluffles Wonderland

* To reach Fluffles Wonderland, you need to give 3 Rare Candies to the Shiny Munchlax standing outside the only house in Munchlax Resort.

* Cie leads with Togekiss, which only knows Air Slash. On rare occasions, it can run out of PP while you're setting up, prompting Cie to switch it out. To take down Togekiss and set up on the next Pokémon, it's recommended to use a fast Pokémon with Destiny Bond that can outspeed Togekiss, since it holds a Choice Scarf and often flinches with Air Slash due to its Serene Grace ability. Gengar with a Choice Scarf and Destiny Bond is recommended, as it can outspeed Togekiss.


➺ Mysterious Cultist  ➺ Guild Island (Requires access to Guild Island)

* Requires access to Guild Island, which is only available to the top 3 ranked Guilds in PvP.

* Use Earthquake on Ferrothorn to avoid taking damage, as it has the Iron Barbs ability.



Olivine Docks

➺ Suspicious Bot ➺ Dock Island House 1

* Suspicious Bot is a Mini-Boss Gauntlet Challenge and does not affect the weekly boss limit of 20 boss fights per week.


Battle Bot ➺ Dock Island House 2

* Requires an active Membership and at least 200 hours play time.

* The cooldown for this boss is 14 days, rather than the normal 12 days for other bosses.


➺ Bugsy ➺ Amazon Forest

* Bugsy leads with Scizor, which knows the priority move Bullet Punch, making it unaffected by Lagging Tail. Defeating Scizor is not recommended, as the next Pokémon, Genesect, can hit through Substitute with Bug Buzz. Therefore, it’s recommended to equip Whimsicott with a Focus Sash and use Memento on Scizor, then proceed with the setup as usual. Alternatively, you can use Klefki instead of Whimsicott and use Reflect to mitigate damage from Scizor.

* Volcarona has the Flame Body ability, which can burn opponents on physical contact and lower your Pangoro's attack. Therefore, use non-contact moves such as Earthquake to avoid getting burned.

* Mega Heracross will not faint from Power Trip if Pangoro got burned, so make sure to setup Stealth Rocks and perhaps teach Aerial Ace or Zen Headbutt to Pangoro to ensure a OHKO.

* Ninjask holds a Focus Sash, so make sure to set up Stealth Rocks to guarantee a OHKO.

Route 41

➺ Misty ➺ Route 41

* Misty leads with Milotic, which has the Competitive ability. Using Memento on Milotic will sharply increase its Special Attack, so avoid using Memento and instead use Flash until Whimsicott is defeated.


Thor ➺ Whirl Island B4F

* Thor's second Pokémon, Mega Tyranitar, has the Sand Stream ability, which summons a Sandstorm. To ensure your Pangoro's Focus Sash remains intact, use Aqua Ring on Gorebyss before Baton Passing.

* Use Earthquake on Mega Tyranitar, since Power Trip might not OHKO depending on your Pangoro's IV's and nature.

* Zapdos has the Static ability. Therefore use a non-contact move such as Rock Slide to avoid getting paralyzed and to prevent taking damage from Zapdos' Rocky Helmet.

* Mamoswine holds a Focus Sash, so make sure to set up Stealth Rocks to guarantee a OHKO.

Route 42

Bruno ➺ Mt. Mortar Lower Cave

* Bruno leads with Mega Steelix. Defeat it with Counter.

* Use Earthquake on Scrafty, since Power Trip might not OHKO depending on your Pangoro's IV's and nature.

Lake of Rage

Suicune Guardian ➺ Secluded Lake

* Azumarill and Mamoswine both have priority moves, so make sure to have a Focus Sash equipped and be behind a Substitute.

Ice Path

Lorelei ➺ Ice Path B2F

* Weavile has the priority move Ice Shard, so make sure to have a Focus Sash equipped and be behind a Substitute.

* Alolan Sandslash holds a Focus Sash, so make sure to set up Stealth Rocks to guarantee a OHKO.

Blackthorn City

Lance ➺ Dragons Shrine

* 150 Evolved Data in your Pokédex and 1 Dragon type Pokémon is required. Switch out your Destiny Bond/Counter/Mirror Coat user or second Baton Passer with a Dragon Pokémon of your choice.

Violet City

Sage ➺ Sprout Tower 3F

Ruins of Alph

Proffesor Elm ➺ Research Center

Goldenrod City

Pewdie & Diepy ➺ Goldenrod Gaming Corner

* Pewdie's Alakazam holds a Focus Sash and has the Magic Guard ability, which prevents it from taking indirect damage from Stealth Rocks. This means you cannot OHKO Alakazam, so make sure your Pangoro is behind a Substitute and holds a Focus Sash with full HP.

* Diepy leads with Azumarill that knows the priority move Aqua Jet.

Ilex Forest

➺ Neroli ➺ Ilex Forest


Lilycove City

Tigerous ➺ Eumi Island Eumi Island Theme Park 2

* Tigerous leads with Mega Salamence. Defeat it with Counter. Salamence likes to spam Dragon Dance, so be patient.

* Dragonite holds a Focus Sash, so make sure to set up Stealth Rocks to guarantee a OHKO.

Route 122

Morty ➺ Mt Pyre 4F

* Morty leads with Mega Gengar. Defeat it with Mirror Coat.

* Froslass' Cursed Body ability can disable Pangoro's last used move, so make sure to use a move like Earthquake.

Slateport City  Route 108

Toothless ➺ Abandoned Ship B1F Room 1 (Route 108)

* Miltank holds a Rocky Helmet; therefore use a non-contact move like Earthquake or Rock Slide to avoid taking damage.

* Starmie holds a Focus Sash, so make sure to set up Stealth Rocks to guarantee a OHKO.

Route 110

Raikou Guardian ➺ Secret Base Alpha


Lt Surge ➺ New Mauville

* Avoid using a Baton Passer with the Speed Boost ability, as Rotom-Wash can use Simple Beam and change your Pokémon's ability to Simple.

Verdanturf Town

 Professor Brich ➺ Verdanturf Town House 2

* Prof. Birch leads with Medicham, which knows the move High Jump Kick. Every time Medicham misses the move, it will take recoil damage. Since its accuracy will be significantly lowered, it will likely miss quite often and potentially faint itself. Therefore, use Wobbuffet : Mirror Coat to defeat Medicham and then set up on the next Pokémon; Slaking. However, keep in mind that Simple Beam will not work on Slaking, since is has the ability Truant, so you will need to setup 6x Flash.

Route 111

Naruto Fanboy ➺ Desert Ruins

* Naruto Fanboy leads with Claydol, which has Explosion and Stealth Rock. His next Pokémon is Staraptor with the Reckless ability. Staraptor has 2 recoil moves and might faint itself using them. Equip Wobbuffet with a Leftovers and use Counter on Claydol. Depending on your Wobbuffets nature and defense stat, you might be able to use another Counter on Staraptor. If not, proceed with your setup as usual, since Staraptor is likely to miss its moves as its accuracy gets lowered.

Route 112

Gingery Jones ➺ Feral Site

* Mandibuzz holds a Rocky Helmet; therefore use a non-contact move like Rock Slide to avoid taking damage.

Lavaridge Town

Steven ➺ Valley Of Steel

* Strategy coming soon...



Survival Area

➺ Saphirr ➺ Route 227

* Volcarona has the Flame Body ability, which can burn opponents on physical contact and lower your Pangoro's attack. Therefore, use non-contact moves such as Earthquake or Rock Slide to avoid getting burned.

Jubilife City

➺ Professor Rowan ➺ Jubilife City School

* Rowan's lead Pokémon, Torterra, has the recoil move Wood Hammer, which causes it to take recoil damage equal to 1/3 of the damage dealt to the opponent. His next Pokémon, Empoleon, knows Toxic, so it's recommended to set up on Torterra, as its accuracy will be lowered, causing it to miss frequently.

Sandgem Town

Spectify ➺ Sandgem Town House

* Spectify leads with Mega Salamence. Defeat it with Counter. Salamence likes to spam Dragon Dance, so be patient.

Twinleaf Town

Link ➺ Twinleaf Town

Route 203

Medusa & Eldir ➺ Legends Cave

* Eldir's Alakazam holds a Focus Sash and has the Magic Guard ability, which prevents it from taking indirect damage from Stealth Rocks. This means you cannot OHKO Alakazam, so make sure your Pangoro is behind a Substitute and holds a Focus Sash with full HP.

* Snorlax is not allowed to use.

Valley Windworks

Letrix ➺ Valley Windworks

* Letrix's third Pokémon, Mega Tyranitar, has the Sand Stream ability, which summons a Sandstorm. To ensure your Pangoro's Focus Sash remains intact, use Aqua Ring on Gorebyss before Baton Passing.

* Use Earthquake on Mega Tyranitar to guarantee a OHKO.

* Excadrill holds a Focus Sash, so make sure to set up Stealth Rocks to guarantee a OHKO.

Floraroma Meadow

Maribela ➺ Floraroma Meadow

* Sylveon has the move Hyper Voice, which hits through Substitute. You can't take out Sylveon with Mirror Coat, as her next Pokémon will be Mega Gallade. Therefore, it's recommended to have two bulky Baton Passers with you: preferably a tanky Gorebyss and a Ninjask with Protect. After using Switcheroo with Whimsicott, make sure to use Memento as well if possible.

* Volcarona has the Flame Body ability, which can burn opponents on physical contact and lower your Pangoro's attack. Therefore, use non-contact moves such as Earthquake or Rock Slide to avoid getting burned.

Mt. Coronet

Ash Westbrook ➺ Spear Pillar

* Ash leads with Dialga, followed by Reshiram. Both Pokémon frequently use Roar, making it nearly impossible to set up on them. To improve your chances of winning, bring a Skarmory with the move Roar and the Sturdy ability, equipped with a Focus Sash (Reshiram’s Turboblaze ability ignores Sturdy, making the Focus Sash essential). Dialga will most likely use the super effective move Fire Blast on Skarmory, which can miss, so the Focus Sash is crucial if the next Pokémon is Reshiram.

With this strategy, you have an 80% chance of winning, and a 20% chance that the next Pokémon will be Reshiram, which uses Roar. If you're unlucky (20% chance), you can attempt to set up on Reshiram and hope for the best. It’s advisable to use an Audino with Yawn, Simple Beam, and Flash to set up on Reshiram.


Alternatively, you can use an Electrode with the Soundproof ability, making it immune to sound-based moves like Roar. Equip Electrode with a Focus Sash and the moves Mirror Coat and Taunt. Use Mirror Coat against Dialga, then Taunt Reshiram. When Reshiram KOs Electrode, switch to Audino and use Yawn, Simple Beam, and then 3x Flash. Successfully executing this strategy gives you a strong chance of winning.

Route 210 North

➺ Logan ➺ Cave Of Justice

* Use Earthquake on Mega Tyranitar to guarantee a OHKO.


Unique Bosses

Saffron City Train Station

➺ Nikola ➺ Unknown Place (Trainers Valley)

* Will only fight if you failed to catch a Legendary Pokémon.

* The Boss Team works for Boss Nikola!




Edited by Tba7
Added Boss Guide for how to use the Boss Team!
  • Like 17
  • Checked/Done 1


  • Tba7 changed the title to PokéVault (Dungeons, PvP, Bosses, Story, Shiny/Forms, Items) & Dungeon Service(Meloetta & Victini)

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