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removing the obstacle

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Hi. Thank you for contacting us about. You have my apologies for the delay of response.

You see, those little Trees can be Cut down with the help of a HM called Cut. When you have the proper badge, a Pokémon that knows the HM Move Cut will be able to cut down those little trees during your progress.

To get the HM Cut, you must first do the little quest inside the S.S Anne in Kanto. Here is a guide just in case.

We hope this will answer your question. Please do not hesistate to come back and ask if you have any future questions. Good luck in your adventures!

- Kubrick

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Před 14 hodinami Kubrick řekl:

Ahoj. Děkujeme, že jste nás kontaktovali ohledně. Omlouvám se za zpoždění odpovědi.

Vidíte, ty malé stromy lze pokácet pomocí HM zvaného Cut. Když budete mít správný odznak, Pokémon, který zná HM Move Cut, bude moci během vašeho postupu pokácet tyto malé stromy.

Abyste získali HM Cut, musíte nejprve udělat malý quest uvnitř SS Anne v Kanto. Zde je návod pro každý případ.

Doufáme, že to odpoví na vaši otázku. Prosím, neváhejte se vrátit a zeptat se, pokud máte nějaké budoucí otázky. Hodně štěstí ve vašich dobrodružstvích!

- Kubricku

so i have to go back to the very beginning where i started to get the hm cut?

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Hello again.

You see, it will be impossible to progress further without this HM, as it is required to cut down the little tree in Vermillion City blocking access to the third Gym. You cannot Surf to bypass the tree until you get the fifth Badge and get the HM in the Safari. So indeed, depending on where you are in the story, after getting the second Badge and going to Bill's House above Cerulean City, doing the little quest in the S.S Anne to get the HM Cut is to be done in order to progress.

We hope this will answer your question. Again, do not hesitate to come back and ask if you have any future questions. Good luck in your adventures!

- Kubrick

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