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Hello, i am doing my weekly bossruns and today i went in the Johto and Sinnoh region


i noticed that even though i had beat the bosses TWICE already (since i joined back the game), the win counter reset to 0 and now i only have just earned "1" win towards the 3 consecutive wins i need to earn additional pokemon as rewards


here's proof


i am sure that you can look into my account logs and confirm that i've beat the bosses before


i'd like some assistance as to what can be done for this issue







Check my Mall!
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Hi. Thank you for contacting us about your issue.

May I ask if it ever happened that during one of the battles, you accidentally lost connection? Or if maybe the server resetted during one of the battles? Because if so, this does unfortunately cause a loose and breaks your win streak with a Boss. Loosing a win streak can happen when you either disconnect during the battle or loose.

If you did not loose connection during the last two battles and you won twice in a row, it may be possible that it was a bug that happened with maybe either the last Summer event patch or also maybe a recent Server reset. I will ask around to my fellow Staff collegues while I wait for your reply. If that ends up being the case, we can only present you our sincere apologies for this unfortunate situation.

Looking forward to your reply, 

- Kubrick

It's not a connection lost, i, successfully completed all bosses to ensure that that may have been an unfortunate case with just one NPC/boss, but it was with EVERY one...


The apologies are accepted but don't fix the fact that i'll need to wait a whole month to be able to claim chances on an extra pokemon...



Check my Mall!

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