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Pokemon Web Shop


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Could I develop a website to address the issue of selling pokemon in a store? for example, I develop the store and advertise my pokemons in it, but not using real currency but the game currency, when the player fulfills his desire for the pokemon I receive this notification on my phone, this way I could sell faster and without need to go to the forum itself.

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Is it an issue to have your shop on the forums? 


Also do you think buyers are willing to go to external sites to buy pokes when they are used to going on forums? 


Seems to me a whole new website is a bigger issue as its a hassle for the buyers. Its only better for you



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Most of the traffic of players would be coming to the forum, so I'd argue that it wouldn't necessarily result in you selling faster. Convenience factor maybe, but selling faster, I wouldn't be so sure. Players sell on Discord too, and pings / notifications here would be just as effective IMO

Discord: lacoisi

IGN: Lacomus

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