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Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} [CLOSED]


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Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server]


<r><QUOTE author="BadMadMax"><s>

</s><POST content="192854"><s></s>192854<e></e></POST> [Not allowed=][/Not allowed]<br/>


1. Badmadmax <br/>

2. Yes sir, im just beat the Hoenn E4. <br/>

2b. Been playing alone for a while, thought it would be better with a family then going solo. <br/>

3. Do you vow to to place your loyalty upon this guild, even when things go wrong? - Sure if you treat me right il treat you right. <br/>

<E>:Shy:</E> <E>:y:</E><e>


You meet the requirements, nice!<br/>

If you're looking for a family, you chose the right place. <br/>

We look forward to meeting you!<br/>

(Sent a link)</r>


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Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server]


<t>Hey t0bi and the other members of the organization1<br/>


1 IGN: Laintime,<br/>

2 Requirements: Not yet, just startet 2 weeks ago and got 38 hours playtime. atm i´m in kantos e4. yes to the active part, ~3h per day (depents on my worktime),<br/>

Why you should accept me?: Thats a good Question :D I´m not met your Requirements right now but until that there just a few hours/days. But i´m a friendly, peacefull young-man who likes to discover the pokemon world kanto/johto a.s.o. for new and be nostalgic of the memories 17 years ago. I like to help others and in mmo´s to play with others in a team. Because if you can´t handle things alone it´s nice if you know theres sm1 who lend you a hand.<br/>


3 Loyality : Of course i do. and if we honest the most fun is when you have to fix wrong things ;)<br/>


See ya´<br/>


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Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server]


<r><QUOTE author="Laintime"><s>

</s><POST content="192943"><s></s>192943<e></e></POST> Hey t0bi and the other members of the organization1<br/>


1 IGN: Laintime,<br/>

2 Requirements: Not yet, just startet 2 weeks ago and got 38 hours playtime. atm i´m in kantos e4. yes to the active part, ~3h per day (depents on my worktime),<br/>

Why you should accept me?: Thats a good Question :D I´m not met your Requirements right now but until that there just a few hours/days. But i´m a friendly, peacefull young-man who likes to discover the pokemon world kanto/johto a.s.o. for new and be nostalgic of the memories 17 years ago. I like to help others and in mmo´s to play with others in a team. Because if you can´t handle things alone it´s nice if you know theres sm1 who lend you a hand.<br/>


3 Loyality : Of course i do. and if we honest the most fun is when you have to fix wrong things ;)<br/>


See ya´<e>




Hi love! As a guild, we'd love to welcome you. Please keep an eye on your private messages as I'm about to send you a link to our Discord channel, as to where you can formally introduce yourself.<br/>

You will receive an in game invite from Dei later on. :) <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>


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Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server]


<t>hi im jhay my in game name is jhaydenite,...i accumulated 517+ hours of playtime, almost online most of the time...im very obsessed with epics of bulky pokemons, also a negative status addict..i like naruto and ninja stuffs...my favorite villain in naruto, is orochimaru...i canshow you my top 6 pokes atm and im helpful to anyone..i wanted to join your guild, for one reason, that is to get stronger and be a part of the top 5 pvp ladder..if i get the chance that is..</t>

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Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server]


<r><QUOTE author="jhaydenite"><s>

</s><POST content="193336"><s></s>193336<e></e></POST> hi im jhay my in game name is jhaydenite,...i accumulated 517+ hours of playtime, almost online most of the time...im very obsessed with epics of bulky pokemons, also a negative status addict..i like naruto and ninja stuffs...my favorite villain in naruto, is orochimaru...i canshow you my top 6 pokes atm and im helpful to anyone..i wanted to join your guild, for one reason, that is to get stronger and be a part of the top 5 pvp ladder..if i get the chance that is..<e>

You will definitely get a chance to show what you're made of to the crowd and enter top 5 pvp ladder. :)<br/>

Not only that, i'm sure you'll get along well with our guild members!.<br/>

I welcome you to the guild, a link's been sent and hope to see you soon!</r>


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Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server]


<r><QUOTE author="jhaydenite"><s>

</s><POST content="193336"><s></s>193336<e></e></POST> hi im jhay my in game name is jhaydenite,...i accumulated 517+ hours of playtime, almost online most of the time...im very obsessed with epics of bulky pokemons, also a negative status addict..i like naruto and ninja stuffs...my favorite villain in naruto, is orochimaru...i canshow you my top 6 pokes atm and im helpful to anyone..i wanted to join your guild, for one reason, that is to get stronger and be a part of the top 5 pvp ladder..if i get the chance that is..<e>

welcome! lets become stronger together <E>:Smile:</E></r>



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Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server]


<t>1. What is your IGN? My IGN is Jakeyyboy<br/>

2. Do you meet our requirements? Yes. I'm active, have beaten every Elite Four thus far, and I have 300+ hours in game.<br/>

2. Why should we accept you? You should accept me because I'm active on PRO most of the day as long as I have things to catch and if I have people to talk to, and because I can be active on Discord all the while which could enhance my ability to stay on PRO for as long as possible.<br/>

3. Do you vow to to place your loyalty upon this guild, even when things go wrong? You can have my word, as a ninja, that I will stay no matter what happens.</t>

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Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server]


<r><QUOTE author="Jakeyyboy"><s>

</s><POST content="193906"><s></s>193906<e></e></POST> 1. What is your IGN? My IGN is Jakeyyboy<br/>

2. Do you meet our requirements? Yes. I'm active, have beaten every Elite Four thus far, and I have 300+ hours in game.<br/>

2. Why should we accept you? You should accept me because I'm active on PRO most of the day as long as I have things to catch and if I have people to talk to, and because I can be active on Discord all the while which could enhance my ability to stay on PRO for as long as possible.<br/>

3. Do you vow to to place your loyalty upon this guild, even when things go wrong? You can have my word, as a ninja, that I will stay no matter what happens.<e>


You are surely welcome!<br/>

I see much potential in you and you seem like the kind of player who would fit well in our guild <E>:Grin:</E> <br/>

Link's been sent and we hope to see you soon!</r>


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Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server]


<r>The guild is allied with <B><s></s>Unity<e></e></B>. <E>:Grin:</E> <br/>

If you see any players with a masterball on top of their head, make sure to greet them! <E>:Smile:</E></r>



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Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server]


<r>Ign: Alex<br/>



I am trying to join because this sounds great and i am always able to hepl. (If I can in any way) I do not meet the time requirement. I am only about 35 hours on the game, but I have cleared Kanto thanks to the help of 2 of my greatest PRO Friends. I think you should accept me into this guild because I have always helped anyone I can and vow to keep doing just that. I swear on an oath that I will never betray the guild or rules of it. I vow to place my loyalty in this guild and not betray the guild or members if things go wrong. <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Smile:</E></r>

3ds FC:2724-2560-4177

Ign: ShinyRayquaza03

Instagram: @_.shiny_rayquaza._

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