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Fresh xmas dratini !!! ( Winter dragon )

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@Roblettin Please make sure to read Auction Rules. You have been punished for withdrawing your offer and for not having enough funds to honor it. 


2. Bids cannot be withdrawn once placed.

3. Bidders must have the means to honour their offer both:

- On the account the bid is made from. 

 Forum: If you intend to make payment from an alt account, different to the one used to make the bid on forums, specify clearly which account the payment will be made from.

 e.g. This may apply in cases where an account is forum banned.

- At the time of making the bid, and must remain available until outbid, or auction end.



@Sylverr Apologies for this inconvenience. 

@Ctien130609 Since you are the runner up, you have the opportunity to take the pokemon. Do you still want it? It is not mandatory. 

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