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Hello together i just got a simple question.

To create a guild you need 100hours of playtime and 400k pokecoins right?


What do you get for that?

Do you have any advantages to be in a guild?


I searched for answers but i didn't found them.

I hope i didn't overlook a thread and this isn't a multiple thread...



Waiting for your answers :Angel:

"Don't worry, be happy ;)"

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There are no real benefits right now, it's just there to be there. Represent your little community, form a team etc.

I feel the price isn't so bad, especially if you share the load and all pitch in.

I'm sure there will be more features added to them later, but it probably isn't a priority right now.


163594 Ok good to know.


400k isnt much? xD

I'm a starter it is hard to grind 400k :D


I play with 4 other friends i guess if we have enough money by side we gonna make our own or maybe we gonna join someone, we don't know yet.


With four people, you'll easily have the money by the time you have the 100 hours. Money gets much easier later.


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