Seanyboy92 Posted May 19, 2016 Share Posted May 19, 2016 i spend alot of time in both help and trade chats, and ive noticed it's rather difficult to buy items and pokes. prices seem to drastically change and many people think they're getting something for a good price only to find out they've been scammed. most of us are aware of the scrn shot rule for trades though i feel that could be fixed as well. my idea is an auction house system. possibly an auction house for each region: set in the most popular/used city. saffron for example in kanto. set base prices for items and auctions for pokemon. if possible an automatic trading system for auction house trades to rule out scamming. also could give members access to "cross-region" auctions. all auction houses accessible from any AH no matter the region. evo trading is already difficult and if its done with a stranger, it's out right risky. not everyone uses/knows about scrn shot while trading. i believe we could negate the issue and do a Evo trading system. Used specifically for evolution trading. whether it be in the auction house and you have to pay a SMALL fee to either the system or another player, but when labeled as a Evo trade it's "traded" but traded back to original owner for evolving. these are just a couple ideas for you guys to play with, but i feel an auction house is definitely needed for this game and i know alot of people would benefit from it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windypuff Posted May 19, 2016 Share Posted May 19, 2016 --Moved to proper place-- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dawntae Posted May 19, 2016 Share Posted May 19, 2016 I don't know if I'd say they were "scammed". As you mentioned prices fluctuate so maybe it was a good price for that day. No one forces someone to go and buy something that might be considered "overpriced". If someone pays too much for a Pokemon then that just means the Pokemon was worth that much to the buyer at that moment. You can't just blame the seller because the other person is suffering from buyer's remorse. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seanyboy92 Posted May 19, 2016 Author Share Posted May 19, 2016 no, im not blaming anyone. my main point here is that when having a trade system there should be base prices, simplified deal system, and organization. the auction house idea is more towards those key points. as it stand right now, i feel trade chat is disorderly and based around what one person wants whatever they're feeling for that day. this doesnt help anyone. set it up from the costumers point of view rather than the sellers. what are people willing to spend for X? as i said, this is a basic idea. feel free to add your input. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seanyboy92 Posted May 19, 2016 Author Share Posted May 19, 2016 a building solely for the purpose of buying, selling, and trading pokemon/items. options for pvp, story, lvls, types, stats, etc. players could find exactly what they're looking for (in game) and buy or sell X much safer. sellers choose a min acceptable price for X. which i believe both items and pokes need a base value depending on, not only rarity, but an average price for what X already sells for. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sabrilemarocain Posted May 19, 2016 Share Posted May 19, 2016 You can't use the work scam in this situation. you can only say scam if the other player change the pokemon without you noticing it . but if you saw the pokemon agreed on a price that's on you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
S3nko Posted May 19, 2016 Share Posted May 19, 2016 I like the idea of having an auction house. Beeing able to set a minimum price, instant buy option and/or a simple auction. To possibilitys are endless. Normally there will be ppl that make offers for millions but to be honest, now its not better its more spamm in trade chat. Maybe you can also give that option for items. Would lower the prices for some commun and rare pokemon defentliy. The we would enter a world of "supply and demand". sry for my bad english skills. Best regards s3nko Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kanmuruu Posted May 19, 2016 Share Posted May 19, 2016 164480 I like the idea of having an auction house. Beeing able to set a minimum price, instant buy option and/or a simple auction. To possibilitys are endless. Normally there will be ppl that make offers for millions but to be honest, now its not better its more spamm in trade chat. Maybe you can also give that option for items. Would lower the prices for some commun and rare pokemon defentliy. The we would enter a world of "supply and demand". sry for my bad english skills. Best regards s3nko They're already working on this, don't worry ^^ [glow=black]“You should enjoy the little detours. To the fullest. Because that’s where you’ll find the things more important than what you want.” —Ging, HxH[/glow] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pandagod Posted May 19, 2016 Share Posted May 19, 2016 personaly, i would tell u to find a person u trust, its not easy but not everyone is bad. im currently playing with 3 friends, and we trade with each other to avoid those problems. personaly i dont like the AH idea, makes no sense in the pokemon universe to me, people overprice in AH anyway, how can u not overprice? u cant control that, u can set like, level 50 pokemon cant be more expensive than 50k for example, but it as alot of flaws, 50 Shiny or 50 Normal, u cant make the same price limit for it. Basicaly it would give alot of work for the developers to set it up and work at 100% This is just my opinion, feel free to go agaisnt it ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voxarbus Posted May 19, 2016 Share Posted May 19, 2016 I agree on the base prices for items since they don't really fluctuate much except for MS. It's kind of already the case btw, I don't see much changes on the item prices to be honest. But for pokes there are way too many variables : rarity, IV's, evo stages, EV's trained/not, nature, ability etc.. A lot of people would tend to set stupid prices whenever they have a poke with 31 IV in atk and an Adamant nature, just because 31 and Adamant...Same as buying a Gale Wings Talonflame for million only for its ability when you can farm it at TV or wait a for a stage 1 sale. I mean yes it's stupid but it would be even more stupid to buy these. So it's all on you to determine if a price is right according to all the poke's specifications. It doesn't ask much to just do a little research on every poke you want, have the patience and say "wait this is too expensive I'll wait for another one". What I was thinking was like a pokemon deposit/trading system in which you just put the pokes you want to sell (just like GTS on consoles), you set the minimum price you want for each and every poke you sell, like instant prices would be a category in this system. Or you put your pokes in the auction category, maybe set a minimum starting price and just wait for people to bid on them. But I guess it would be such a big task for coders. And personaly I'd prefer the admins focusing more on the game itself rather than the trading system xD It's just up to us not to buy anything at any price after all.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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