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Topic moved. Already suggested many times, members will never have priority in the queue, we don't want the game to become a "pay to play" like a lot of other games are doing. Also stability is our main concern, having more slots will lead in having more crashes which is something that we want to avoid.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum.

Unsolicited messages will be garbodored. Thanks. I still love you if you pm me


PS: all staff that copied my signature are all fanboys



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165944 Topic moved. Already suggested many times, members will never have priority in the queue, we don't want the game to become a "pay to play" like a lot of other games are doing. Also stability is our main concern, having more slots will lead in having more crashes which is something that we want to avoid.


Thanks for the confirmation; nice to hear.

- Donator

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