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no more increased experience requirement after evolving


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I currently do not see the value this game gets from this "feature". People dont want to wait to evolve their pokemon, atleast not too long - they are given the choice of doing the story with an unevolved pokemon or train them until about level 95 (on level 36-39 pokemon) and then evolve them. Why?

The official Pokemon does not limit you like that. There might be moves which only an unevolved pokemon can learn, but thats it - no increased experience requirements after evolving.


If i just dont see the reasoning, explain me please :)



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I didn't understand it at first but now I see it as a clever trade off.


For instance, I have a level 60 Gastly that gets one shotted by Sabrina. I could evolve it to Gengar and the stat boost that comes with evolution will probably allow it to survive and even one shot Sabrina's pokemon, but it would be harder to train afterwards. Or I could choose to not evolve it and keep training the Gastly which will level up faster, and then try to beat Sabrina when it's level 80+.

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166862 makes no sense tho :D. Sure they get stronger but if you look at it logically...

Stronger means, trains easier.

When it evolved it becomes "smarter" which means it learns quicker...

I don't rlly see the reason as to why the pokemon becoming a better version of it self makes it level slower.

quite frankly having an unevolved pokemon for 80+ levels is quite annoying


I disagree with that smarter will gain more exp, when you are stronger , you will need more energy for your training,for example you graduate from high school and enter to Uni ,does it means that you will find that Uni is more easier ? or another example, someone get promote to a higher position in the company, he is very experience in his old job ,but when he promote to a higher position does it means that will find that the higher position job is more easier? i think it is same idea relate to pokemon evolution.


[glow=red]Here's NicoChan :3[/glow]

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166873 I understand the aspect completely. As you level up and progress in an ordinary MMO, you require more exp for the next level. If you want to get stronger, train harder.

you clearly have no idea what is happening in this thread .-.

This already happens without evolving your pokemon...

you will gain a boost in your base stat for your evolution, for this you need to sacrifice you current advantage in level up, i think it is fair


[glow=red]Here's NicoChan :3[/glow]

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Its simple. It makes sense that you require more trainings to "change" when you are very strong, think of a high level professor, how much research they should need to do to even improve, compared to a primary school kid, who can improve as fast as a few days, or few months -> this feature is in game also btw, I think a Abra level much faster than maybe a Vulpix.



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