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PRO Username: littelee

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: BLUE


What have you done before the problem was there?

i'm hunting mew


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

i tried back to viridian city but i dont see Lapras for teleport to Faraway island again.


Description and Message

i'm hunted mew and catch it. Then i use escape rod and back to vermilion pc and but mew to the storage. Server rollback, when login, i see me in the faraway island floor 2 but dont have mew. I use escape rod for back to vermilion again and check storage but dont see my mew. so you can reset my mew quest? i really love this pokemon. :Frown: :Frown:

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So sorry to hear that , but i recommend you guys do not fight legendarys untill we get some annoucments about server going good :) also there no way your mew can be back , last thing to do is to make new account and do everything again for him , again so sorry to what happend :Shocked:



170499 I believe a while back there was something said about a second chance of catching Mew for the ones that lost their first because of rollback. Idk if that will happen. But I guess we will see :Grin:

they said mew can't be back. RIP

170494 So sorry to hear that , but i recommend you guys do not fight legendarys untill we get some annoucments about server going good :) also there no way your mew can be back , last thing to do is to make new account and do everything again for him , again so sorry to what happend :Shocked:

the server rollback but dont have any annoucments. :Shocked:

170144 PRO Username: littelee

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: BLUE


What have you done before the problem was there?

i'm hunting mew


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

i tried back to viridian city but i dont see Lapras for teleport to Faraway island again.


Description and Message

i'm hunted mew and catch it. Then i use escape rod and back to vermilion pc and but mew to the storage. Server rollback, when login, i see me in the faraway island floor 2 but dont have mew. I use escape rod for back to vermilion again and check storage but dont see my mew. so you can reset my mew quest? i really love this pokemon. :Frown: :Frown:

A server crash and the resulting rollback is something nobody can predict not even the Staff.

I am sorry to hear that your lost you Mew. Lets see what happens in future.

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