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Stuck on e4 Agatha and Mega Gengar one-shots all my pokemon (so far). The most information on Mega Gengar I could find was on bulbapedia:


Under normal battle conditions in Generation VI, this Pokémon is:


normally by:

Flying 1×

Rock 1×

Steel 1×

Fire 1×

Water 1×

Electric 1×

Ice 1×

Dragon 1×

Weak to:

Ground 2×

Ghost 2×

Psychic 2×

Dark 2×

Immune to:

Normal 0×

Fighting 0×

Resistant to:

Poison ¼×

Bug ¼×

Grass ½×

Fairy ½×


If Foresight or Odor Sleuth is used by an opponent or the opponent has Scrappy, the effectiveness of Normal-type moves is 1× and the effectiveness of Fighting-type moves is ½×.



Aside from



there is not much information on Agatha's Mega Gengar, is there?

I beat Kanto's E4 with a team of 6 lvl 80ish pokes. Mega-Gengar is no real challenge, you just need to outspeed it. (You need a poke with at least 265 speed)


[ I remember because I've been using Alakazam and Crobat back then, Alakazam had 258 speed and wasn't faster, Crobat had 278 speed and OHKO'ed it by using acrobatics + Crit]

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