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173181 Hi there.


I think the game should be added to the original Pokemon sounds(Example>Pikachu).What are you thinking?

Staff said gen VI sound will be implemente (if they aren't actually already implemented, not sure), but the original pokemon sound is impossibile to obtain. If you look in the suggestion section you'll find that, some time ago, someone suggested the same thing and a staff member said it was impossible, because he tried, to extract those sound from the anime, because there were too much background sounds.

Btw, the pikachu one is like that because it is the sound it has in gen VI games.

From 2015: I'm still here

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the guy means the sounds from the gameboy games.


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173345 Mhh.. I don't know if he actually means all the sounds from the pokemon games or just the pokemon cries like in the anime (the example of pikachu made me think that).


yeah, on second reading it doee seem that.


Also, FYI it was me who said about the ripping. good luck with that. took me 4 months to rip about 380 cries from the anime, and most had background noise, so not suitable for a MMO


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173345 Mhh.. I don't know if he actually means all the sounds from the pokemon games or just the pokemon cries like in the anime (the example of pikachu made me think that).


yeah, on second reading it doee seem that.


Also, FYI it was me who said about the ripping. good luck with that. took me 4 months to rip about 380 cries from the anime, and most had background noise, so not suitable for a MMO

Oh yes that what exactly what I rembembered, I just forgot it was you. You had a legendary patience to do it, though.

From 2015: I'm still here

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